

我正在尝试向FPGA发送4 KB的字符串,最简单的方法是什么?

I am trying to send a 4 kilobyte string to an FPGA, what is the easiest way that this can be done?


This is the link for the fpga that I am using. I am using Verilog and Quartus.



The answer to your question depends a lot on what is feeding this data into the FPGA. Even if there isn't a specific protocol you need to adhere to (SPI, Ethernet, USB, etc.), there is the question of how fast you need to accept the data, and how far the data has to travel. If it's very slow, you can create a simple interface using regular IO pins with a parallel data bus and a clock. If it's much faster, you may need to explore using high speed serial interfaces and the special hard logic available on your chip to handle those speeds. Even if it's slower, but the data needs to travel over some distance, a serial interface may be a good idea to minimize cable costs.


One thing I would add to @gbuzogany 's answer: You probably want to configure that block of memory in the FPGA as a FIFO so you can handle the data input clock running at a different rate than the internal clock of your FPGA.


09-25 22:55