


#包括LT&;&stdint.h GT;
#包括LT&;&CONIO.H GT;的#define PAUSE(_getch())uint16_t添加(常量uint16_t X,常量uint16_t Y){
    返回X + Y;
}诠释主要(无效){    无效(*测试)()=(无效*)增加;    常量uint16_t X = 1,Y = 1;
    uint16_t值=((uint16_t(*)())测试)(X,Y);    测试=(无效*)CHR;    的printf(%d个\\ N,加(X,Y)); // 2
    的printf(%d个\\ N,值); // 2
    的printf(%C \\ n,((CHAR(*)())测试)(100)); //ð    暂停;


No, if I'm not terribly mistaken, there's no such thing as a "generic function pointer" in C.

Yes, it is. It is evil.

There are a couple of things you need to know. First, unless you are running a system that conforms to POSIX,

void(*test)() = (void*)add;

is wrong. void * is a pointer-to-object type, and as such, it is not compatible with function pointers. (At least not in standard C -- as I mentioned, POSIX requires it to be compatible with function pointers too.)

The second thing is that void (*fp)() and void (*fp)(void) are different. The former declaration permits fp to take any number of parameters of any type, and the number of arguments and their types will be inferred when the compiler sees the first call to the function (pointer).

Another important aspect is that function pointers are guaranteed to be convertible across each other (AFAIK this manifests in them having the same representation and alignment requirements). This means that any function pointer can be assigned to (the address of) any function (after an appropriate cast), so long as you do not call a function through a pointer to an incompatible type. The behavior is well-defined if and only if you cast the pointer back to the original type before calling it.

So, if you want a "generic" function pointer, you can just write something like

typedef void (*fn_ptr)(void);

and then you could assign any pointer to function to an object of type fn_ptr. What you have to pay attention to is, again, the conversion to the right type when invoking the function, as in:

int add(int a, int b);

fn_ptr fp = (fn_ptr)add; // legal
fp(); // WRONG!
int x = ((int (*)(int, int))fp)(1, 2); // good


09-21 23:07