I keep getting an error if I try to do the following:
TITLE (Filename.asm)
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
name BYTE "Jdoe", 0
menu BYTE "Hello user of this computer!", 0dh, 0ah,
"I am a robot AI designed to help you with you programs", 0dh, 0ah,
"Please allow me to assist you as you work on your program", 0dh, 0ah,
"Name Please> ", 0
main PROC
; instructions are added here, in the main procedure
; which is in the code segment
mov EDX, OFFSET menu
call WriteString
mov EDX, OFFSET name
call WriteString
call Crlf
main ENDP
END main
.我不知道我在做什么错.第26行是 mov edx,偏移名称
At line 26, I basically get an error that says initializer magnitude too large for specified size
. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here. Line 26 is mov edx, OFFSET name
根据msdn name
According to msdn name
is a reserved word which has no function (it is ignored) but you are still not allowed to use it. Pick a different identifier.