我在装配过程中一个任务来计算字符串中的字数,我需要保存我的CX寄存器的答案。 (IM工作的80×86处理器)
I have a task in assembly course to count the number of words in a string, and I need to save my answer in cx register. (im working on 80x86 processor)
So I'v set:
CX为0 - 这将是我的柜台
cx to 0 - this will be my counter
BX为0 - 这将是我的指数
bx to 0 - this will be my index
And I want to know if I use it properly, this is my code:
.model small
.stack 100h
A db ' this is a test $'
B db 100 dup('$')
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov cx, 0
mov bx, 0
cmp A[bx], ' '
jne foundchar
inc bx
jmp looping
inc bx
cmp A[bx], ' '
je foundword
cmp A[bx], '$'
je soff
jmp foundchar
inc cx
inc bx
jmp looping
And someone else from my class did it differently, she set si to the offset of A...and I didn't really understand this solution:
mov cx,0
mov si, offset A
mov dl,0
inc si
mov dl,[si]
cmp dl,"$"
JE soff
cmp dl, " "
JE test1 ;if the char is space so lets check what is before the char
jmp next2 ; if the char no space jump back to the loop
mov al,[si-1]
cmp al, ' '
je next2
add cx,1
jmp next2
mov al,[si-1]
cmp al,' '
je sofsofi
add cx,1
Please help me to understand it, and what would be the more proper way to do it.
To answer question in title: No. It is not okay to use BX as index. Use Destination Index or Source Index (depending of whether you write or read data). Using BX will work, but it is not considered "best practice" as DI and SI purpose is to hold indexes.
虽然()寄存器被命名,你可以(当然是有一定的限制)使用他们的任务与他们的名字碰撞,但它可以导致错误和跨$ p $问题pting您code。
Although (x86) registers are named, you can (with certain limitations of course) use them for task colliding with their names but it can lead to mistakes and problems with interpreting your code.
I will try to write here a simple guide to registers for beginners.
- 某些操作读写从/到特定的寄存器,例如数据。
将被修改。 - 不是每一个寄存器给你(直接)访问8位的部分。
- 有些寄存器有凉爽的特殊功能,所以为了不
Remember that all registers listed below can be used in Extended (32bit) form by adding E to name (eg. EAX is 32bit version of Accumulator, where lower 16 bytes contains 16bit AX). Registers will be listed in order of importance (from perspective of beginner).
- AX - 累加寄存器通常用作主要参数和结果。在简单得多的日子,86还是要
X和Y上的Commodore 64,和累加器存储结果。在
先登记您使用几乎所有 - 例如
变量。 - DX - 数据寄存器 - 这里不多介绍,它存储的数据。我决定AX之后列出,是因为这两个作品一起
经常 - 例如MUL(乘法)使用DX存储数据
从AX溢出。所以,是的,它只是辅助变量。 - CX - 计数寄存器 - 也相当简单,它只不过是另一种通用寄存器。而这一次它被用来
有您的数据没有更好点)。 - BX - 基址寄存器 - 长话短说,因为32位来到这个寄存器失去了它的抵消的内存地址的目的。所以
- AX - accumulator register is typically used as primary parameter and result. In much simpler days when x86 was still to beheard about processors usually had two registers for parameters, eg.X and Y on Commodore 64, and Accumulator for storing result. Inshort, its name is now mostly historical and it will usually befirst register you use for virtually everything - for examplearithmetic/logic operations and DOS (21h) interrupts which takeargument via AH (higher byte of AX). Aside of operations thatrequire value to be passed via AX you can consider it as a primaryvariable.
- DX - data register - not much to describe here, it stores data. I decided to list it after AX because those two works togetherquite often - for example MUL (multiplication) uses DX to store dataoverflowing from AX. So yeah, its "just" secondary variable.
- CX - counter register - also quite simple, it is just another general purpose register. This time however it is usedspecifically as counter (as name implies) by operations such asloops (LOOP family operands) and string instructions (REP familyoperands). As long as you are not using instructions that modify CXyou are free to use it for whatever you need (but always check ifthere are no better spots for your data).
- BX - base register - long story short, since 32bit arrived this register lost its purpose of "offsetting" memory addresses. Soit is "free" register which exists mostly for backwardcompatibility. Poor guy. Please use it, do not let mists of historydevour such little brave t̶o̶a̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ register.
- SP 和 BP - 堆栈和基址指针 - 默认的方法是不能直接使用它们,这些是由PUSH处理,
除非你真的确定你想要它(并知道如何)。 (在一定条件下可以BP成为另一个自由这样注册BX但让我们忽略它)
- SP and BP - stack and base pointers - default approach is to not use them directly, those are handled by PUSH,POP, CALL, and RET instructions for managing stack and allow you touse functions. However they can be used for heretic tricks borderingwith dark magic, do you dare to desecrate holy stack frame? Changingvalues of those registers can cause real stack overflow. Do not useunless you really, really sure you want it (and know how). (In certain conditions BP can become another "free" register like BX but lets ignore it for now)
Now starts the part of scary registers, with intimidating names and complicated operations tied to them. Also there is no Higher and Lower 8bit part of them available (but you can still use bit mask to extract them if needed).
- DI 和 SI - 目的地和来源分类指数 - 这两个被用作指针内存块(缓冲区/数组/串
等),用于自动数据复制/ REP与操作或其他书面形式
字节。基于循环操作完美的选择。 - 段寄存器 - CS,SS,DS,ES,FS,GS ......(伊克Nowdays它的一个
他们的全军) - 虽然故事可以很长,有
简短的解释 - 两个主要部分是code段和数据
分割。 code段包含code(奇怪吧?),所有
DI和SI寄存器用于复制数据 - 例如LODSD预计SI
- DI and SI - destination and source index - those two are used as pointers to memory blocks (buffers/arrays/stringsetc) for automated data copying/writing with REP operation or otherstring/array based ones. If you are not using such confusingoperations then you can use DI and SI as data registers, withlimitation of not being able to (easily) select lower or higherbyte. Perfect choice for loop based operations.
- Segment registers - CS, SS, DS, ES, FS, GS... (eek! Nowdays its awhole army of them) - Although story can be very long, there isshort explanation - two main segments are Code Segment and DataSegment. Code Segment contains code (surprising, right?) and alldata you declared right in it. Segments are often used together withDI and SI registers for copying data - for example LODSD expects SIto point at memory address in Data Segment, therefore in short("flat") code it is necessary to first inform CPU that your Data andCode segments are one. You really should not usethose registers or else Segmentation Fault will kick you in theface.
As for your code there are few advices I can give you right now (For total overhaul of your script you will need to wait for tomorrow or Monday as I am kinda busy this weekend)
使用SI / DI更好。在您的code A [BX]等价于(A内存地址)+(以SI值),CPU是非常简单的生物,因此preFER简单[SI],而不是在飞行做数学。
Using SI/DI is better. In your code A[bx] is equivalent to (A memory address)+(value in SI), CPU is very simple creature so it prefer simple [SI] instead of doing math on the fly.
这是你设置数据段你自己,因为它是达到环境(系统/ CPU /仿真器)件好事设置初始值。虽然它是用段专用内容的好习惯就可以了,对于这样简单的程序,随意存储数据位在code段,它甚至会执行速度同比降低内存跳跃和地址计算。
It is good thing that you set Data Segment on your own as it is up to environment (system/cpu/emulator) to set initial value. While it is good habit to use segments for dedicated content you can, for such simple program, feel free to store a bit of data in code segment, it will even speed execution up by reducing memory jumps and address calculations.Then you can write:MOV AX, CSMOV DS, AX(can't do it directly). It is guaranteed for Code Segment to be the one with your current code (otherwise it wouldn't execute).
归零寄存器可以做出更凉爽!想要把0 AX?使用XOR AX,AX(AX = AX独家或AX,这是逻辑状态总是会产生0)。它不仅是在内存中(小code =更快的加载),它也执行速度比短复制值(和CPU的nowdays有足够的智慧,使其更快)。额外的好处是造型加分。
Zeroing registers can be made much cooler! Want to put 0 in AX? Use XOR AX, AX (AX = AX exclusive or AX, which as logic states will always result in 0). Not only it is shorter in memory (smaller code = faster loading), it also executes faster than copying value (and CPU's nowdays are smart enough to make it even faster). Additional advantage are style points.
Counter as result? Well, counter register is made as loop counter not data counter. For storing data DX or BX more intuitive (BX more than DS, as nothing requires data in this register anymore so its "just variable"). But if result in CX is required then you must obey, I guess.
Well, that's all for tonight. If something is unclear leave a comment.