I'm trying to find the best way to do a 'reverse lookup' on an enum in Kotlin. One of my takeaways from Effective Java was that you introduce a static map inside the enum to handle the reverse lookup. Porting this over to Kotlin with a simple enum leads me to code that looks like this:
enum class Type(val value: Int) {
companion object {
val map: MutableMap = HashMap()
init {
for (i in Type.values()) {
map[i.value] = i
fun fromInt(type: Int?): Type? {
return map[type]
My question is, is this the best way to do this, or is there a better way? What if I have several enums that follow a similar pattern? Is there a way in Kotlin to make this code more re-usable across enums?
首先, ()应该是Int,而不是Int?尝试使用null来获取类型显然会导致null,并且调用者不应该尝试这样做。地图也没有理由是可变的。代码可以减少到
First of all, the argument of fromInt() should be an Int, not an Int?. Trying to get a Type using null will obviously lead to null, and a caller shouldn't even try doing that. The Map has also no reason to be mutable. The code can be reduced to
companion object {
private val map = Type.values().associateBy(Type::value);
fun fromInt(type: Int) = map[type]
That code is so short that, frankly, I'm not sure it's worth trying to find a reusable solution.