


I am using Linq2Sql and want to bind an objects field (which is enum) to either a bit or a int type in the database. For example I want have a gender field in my model. I have already edited the DBML and changed the Type to point to my enum. I want to create Radio buttons (which I think I have figured out) for gender and dropdown lists for other areas using the same idea. My enum looks like this

public enum Gender

Mapping between DbType 'int' and Type 'Project.Models.Gender' in Column 'Gender' of Type 'Candidate' is not supported.


Any ideas on how to do this mapping. Am I missing something on the enums.


如果你有一个 INT 枚举是这样的:

If you have an int enum like this:

public enum Gender
    Male = 0,

INT 在你的数据库列,下测绘应该没有问题。

and int column in your database, the next mapping should work without problem.

<Column Name="Gender" Type="global::Project.Models.Gender" DbType="Int NOT NULL"
        CanBeNull="false" />

这可能是全球:: 关键词是关键在这里。我有一些问题,映射整数数据类型来枚举离不开它了。

It is possible that global:: keyword is a key here. I had some problems with mapping integer data types to enums without it.


11-03 04:58