When declaring a local inner class inside a method, why is it legal to include final static Strings or ints but not legal to include other objects?
class Outer {
void aMethod() {
class Inner {
final static String name = "compiles";
final static int ctr = 10; // compiles
final static Integer intThree = Integer.valueOf(3); // does not compile!
final static obj objConst = new Object(); // does not compile!
Inner inner = new Inner();
When I compile this, I get the following:
InnerExample.java:6: inner classes cannot have static declarations
final static Integer outer = Integer.valueOf(3);
InnerExample.java:7: inner classes cannot have static declarations
final static Object objConst = new Object();
Why the distinction? Is it because String is immutable? If so, wouldn't Integer.valueOf() also be valid?
It's because the first two static members are assigned to compile-time constants of primitive type or type String.
来自 Java语言规范,第8.1.3节:
Inner classes may not declare static members, unless they are constant variables (§4.12.4), or a compile-time error occurs.
并来自 4.12. 4 :
I found this surprising at first. Thinking about it more, one advantage to this limitation is that there is no need to worry about when static members of inner classes are initialized. You can move an inner class around in its containing class, without concern that the values of its static members will be changed.