

我正在使用2 tableviews


我在textFieldDidEndEditing中获取文本字段的文本,但是我怎么知道正在编辑的文本属于哪个表视图,我只想知道可以区分文本字段中的文本并将其存储在两个不同数组中的条件. /p>

I am getting text of textfield in textFieldDidEndEditing but how would i know text is being editing belongs to which tableview ,i just want to know the condition where i can differentiate text coming from textfield to store in two different array.

func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField)
  //  let indexOf = txtArray.index(of:textField.tag)

    if self.tblAnswer.isEditing
        let indexOf = textField.tag

        if let text = textField.text
            if allAnsText.indices.contains(indexOf)
                allAnsText.remove(at: indexOf)
            if text.isEmpty
                print("Write some text there")
            allAnsText.insert(text, at: indexOf)
    else if self.tblVideo.isEditing
        let indexOf = textField.tag

        if let text = textField.text
            if allMediaText.indices.contains(indexOf)
                allMediaText.remove(at: indexOf)
            if text.isEmpty
                print("Write some text there")
                allMediaText.insert(text, at: indexOf)





Forget about traversing the view hierarchy; it is error prone and the exact details may change in the future (and break your app horribly).


Instead, try this:

  1. 获取文本字段在屏幕上的位置:

  1. Get the text field's location on screen:

// Center on text field's own coordinate system
let position = textField.frame.center

// Center on Window's coordinate system
let positionOnWindow = textField.convert(position, to: nil)

  • 将该点转换为表格视图的坐标系,并查看其是否对应于一行:

  • Convert that point to the table view's coordinate system, and see if it corresponds to a row:

    let positionInTable = tableView1.convert(positionOnWindow, from: nil)</strike>
    if let indexPath = tableView1.indexPathForRow(at: positionInTable) {
        // Text field is inside a row of table view 1
    } else {
        // Otherwise

  • 注意:上面的代码未经测试.可能包含编译器错误.

    Note: Code above is untested. May contain compiler errors.


    Assuming both code snippets run on the same class (your table view delegate, data source and text field delegate) there should be no problem passing the value of positionOnWindow around (it can all happen inside the text field delegate method).


    As duly pointed by @rmaddy in the comments, the code above is too roundabout; you can directly get the position with:

    let positionInTable = tableView1.convert(textField.frame.center, from: textField)



    09-15 18:58