I'm building a React application bundled using Parcel or Webpack.
The application should be able to embed external React components
developed by third-parties and hosted elsewhere as modern javascript modules:
// https://example.com/scripts/hello-plugin.js
import React from 'react';
export default class HelloPlugin extends React.Component {
render() {
return "Hello from external plugin!";
Host application loads these components using asynchronous import like this, for example:
// createAsyncComponent.tsx
import * as React from 'react';
import { asyncComponent } from 'react-async-component';
export default function createAsyncComponent(url: string) {
return asyncComponent({
resolve: () => import(url).then(component => component.default),
LoadingComponent: () => <div>Loading {url}....</div>,
ErrorComponent: ({ error }) => <div>Couldn't load {url}: {error.message}</div>,
But looks like bundlers don't allow importing arbitrary urls as external javascript modules.
Webpack emits build warnings: "the request of a dependency is an expression" and the import doesn't work. Parcel doesn't report any errors, but fails when import(url) occurs at runtime.
Webpack author recommends using scriptjs or little-loader for loading external scripts.
There is a working sample that loads an UMD component from arbitrary URL like this:
public componentDidMount() {
// expose dependencies as globals
window["React"] = React;
window["PropTypes"] = PropTypes;
// async load of remote UMD component
$script(this.props.url, () => {
const target = window[this.props.name];
if (target) {
Component: target,
error: null,
} else {
Component: null,
error: `Cannot load component at ${this.props.url}`,
Also, I saw a similar question answered a year ago where the suggested approach also involves passing variables via a window object.
But I'd like to avoid using globals given that most modern browsers support modules out of the box.
I'm wondering if it's possible. Perhaps, any way to instruct the bundler that my import(url) is not a request for the code-split chunk of a host application, but a request for loading an external Javascript module.
In the context of Webpack, you could do something like this:
import(/* webpackIgnore: true */'https://any.url/file.js')
.then((response) => {
response.main({ /* stuff from app plugins need... */ });
然后您的 plugin 文件将具有类似...
Then your plugin file would have something like...
const main = (args) => console.log('The plugin was started.');
export { main };
export default main;
请注意,您可以在初始化插件时(即,在插件上调用 main 时)将应用程序运行时的内容发送到插件,这样您就不必依赖全局变量了.
Notice you can send stuff from your app's runtime to the plugin at the initialization (i.e. when invoking main at the plugin) of the plugins so you don't end up depending on global variables.
You get caching for free as Webpack remembers (caches) that the given URL has already loaded so subsequent calls to import that URL will resolve immediately.
注意:这似乎可以在Chrome,Safari和浏览器中使用. Firefox,但不是Edge.我从不打扰在IE或其他浏览器中进行测试.
Note: this seems to work in Chrome, Safari & firefox but not Edge. I never bothered testing in IE or other browsers.
我已经尝试在插件端使用UMD格式进行相同类型的加载,但这似乎不适用于Webpack加载内容的方式.实际上,有趣的是,声明为全局变量的变量不会最终出现在运行时的window对象中.您必须明确地执行window.aGlobalValue = ...
I've tried doing this same sort of load with UMD format on the plugin side and that doesn't seem to work with the way Webpack loads stuff. In fact it's interesting that variables declared as globals, don't end up in the window object of your runtime. You'd have to explicitly do window.aGlobalValue = ...
to get something on the global scope.
Obviously you could also use requirejs - or similar - in your app and then just have your plugins follow that API.