本文介绍了PHP in_array()/array_search()奇怪的行为的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have found some odd behaviour while I was using the PHP function in_array(). I have an array like this:

$arr = [TRUE, "some string", "something else"];


Now if I want to check if "test" is in the array it is clearly not, but in_array() still returns TRUE, why is that?

$result = in_array("test", $arr);
var_dump($result);  //Output: bool(true)


The same thing happens when using array_search():

$result = array_search("test", $arr);
var_dump($result);  //Output: int(0)


I thought maybe that the value TRUE in the array was automatically causing the function to return TRUE for every result without checking the rest of the array, but I couldn't find any documentation that would suggest that very odd functionality.


此功能的行为 in_array() array_search() 不是错误,而是有据可查的行为.

This behaviour of the function in_array() and array_search() is not a bug, but instead well documented behaviour.


Both functions have a 3rd optional parameter called $strict which by default is FALSE:

现在这意味着默认情况下,两个函数都使用松散(==)比较来比较值.因此,它们仅在PHP类型变通之后检查值是否在 之后相同,而不检查类型.因此,在您的示例中,TRUE == "any none emtpy string"的计算结果为TRUE.

Now what that means is that by default both functions use loosely(==) comparison to compare the values. So they only check if the values are the same after PHP type juggling and without checking the type. Because of that in your example TRUE == "any none emtpy string" evaluates to TRUE.


So by setting the 3rd parameter to TRUE while calling the function you say that PHP should use strict(===) comparison and it should check value AND type of the values while comparing.

请参阅以下内容: PHP相等(==双重等于)和身份(===三次等于)比较运算符有何不同?

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09-15 13:28