在执行顺序执行的sql脚本中,是否有一种方法可以引入IF THEN ELSE条件来控制查询执行的流程?
In a sql script that does sequential execution, is there a way one can introduce an IF THEN ELSE conditional to control the flow of query execution?
I happened to run into this http://www.bennadel.com/blog/1340-MySQL-Does-Not-Support-IF-ELSE-Statements-In-General-SQL-Work-Flow.htmwhich says that the IF THEN ELSE will not work in a sql script.
基本上,我想要运行特定的select colName from table命令,并检查colName是否对应于特定值。如果是,继续脚本的其余部分。否则,暂停执行。
Basically, I want to run a particular "select colName from table" command and check if colName corresponds to a particular value. If it does, proceed with the rest of the script. Else, halt execution.
I just wrap my SQL script in a procedure, where conditional code is allowed. If you'd rather not leave the statements lying around, you can drop the procedure when you're done. Here's an example:
delimiter //
create procedure insert_games()
set @platform_id := (select id from platform where name = 'Nintendo DS');
-- Only insert rows if the platform was found
if @platform_id is not null then
insert into game(name, platform_id) values('New Super Mario Bros', @platform_id);
insert into game(name, platform_id) values('Mario Kart DS', @platform_id);
end if;
delimiter ;
-- Execute the procedure
call insert_games();
-- Drop the procedure
drop procedure insert_games;
If you haven't used procedures, the "delimiter" keyword might need some explanation. The first line switches the delimiter to "//" so that we can include semi-colons in our procedure definition without MySQL attempting to interpret them yet. Once the procedure has been created, we switch the delimiter back to ";" so we can execute statements as usual.