

如果我宣布 int数组[10]; 在file1.c中

If I declare int Array[10]; in file1.c


In file2.c if I I have a function like this

extern int *Array;





You are declaring a Array to be a pointer, while instead it's an array. The two are very distinct objects and here you're basically providing false information to the compiler.

请注意,在C语法来访问一个元素是数组[0] 在这两种情况下,但是,如果阵列是一个指针变量所需的机器code将不同于如果阵列是不是数组(与指针有一个额外的间接)。

Note that the C syntax to access an element is Array[0] in both cases, but if Array is a pointer variable the machine code needed will be different from if Array is instead an array (with the pointer there is one extra indirection).

例如,如果数组1 声明为的extern为int *阵列按<$产生机器code C $ C>数组1 [九] + = 3 是:

For example if Array1 is declared as extern int *Array the machine code generated by Array1[ix] += 3 by gcc is:

movslq  ix(%rip), %rax        ;; Load index value from location ix
movq    Array1(%rip), %rdx    ;; Load pointer value from location Array1
leaq    (%rdx,%rax,4), %rax   ;; Compute rax as pointer + index*4
addl    $3, (%rax)            ;; Add 3 to the location pointed by rax

如果不是 ARRAY2 声明为的extern INT ARRAY2 [10] 的code为 ARRAY2 [九] + = 3 很简单:

If instead Array2 is declared as extern int Array2[10] the code for Array2[ix] += 3 is simply:

movslq  ix(%rip), %rax        ;; Load in rax the index value from location ix
addl    $3, Array2(,%rax,4)   ;; Add 3 to the location Array2 + index*4

正如你在有一个额外的间接和内存地址的内容数组1 读寻找到增量应在内存中完成第一种情况看。在第二种情况下,而不是只需要索引被读取以计算,其中递增的位置将是

As you can see in the first case there is an extra indirection and the content of the memory at address Array1 is read to find where the increment should be done in memory. In the second case instead only the index needs to be read to compute where the location to increment will be.


To make things more confusing in C an array "decays" into a pointer to the first element in many cases, so for example if you've a function expecting a pointer passing an array is fine because the compiler will take care of handling the difference.


The compiler must be told if an object in memory is an array or a pointer because the semantic is different; the code in the question instead does exactly this... one part of the program allocates an array and tells some part of the program that it's a pointer instead.


09-15 06:19