本文介绍了我可以使用相同的SendAsync进程在Web API中发布事务吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是Web API开发的新手。我已经找到了如何从API构建和发送GET数据请求。我以为我编写了我的例程以便能够发送帖子请求,但我还没想出如何发送我的JSON字符串以及要发布的数据。


Hi, I am new to development with Web API's. I have figured out how to build and send request to GET data from the the API. I thought I had coded my routines to be able to send a post request, but I have not figured out how to send my JSON string with the data to be posted.

I have included my code and any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Public Async Function MakeRequest(verb As String, resource As String) As Task

        Dim client As HttpClient = New HttpClient
        Dim response As Task(Of HttpResponseMessage)
        Dim result As HttpResponseMessage = New HttpResponseMessage
        Dim request As HttpRequestMessage = New HttpRequestMessage()
        Dim requestp As HttpWebRequest

    Dim queryString As String = Nothing
    ' determine sandbox or live there
    RequestGood = False

    If My.Application.CommandLineArgs(0).ToString() = "S" Then
        uri = New Uri(sandboxuri)
        uri = New Uri(liveuri)
    End If
         commapikey = "21DDA0A8-9F6B-498A-BD1E-0116C308A263"

        sSignature = GetAuthHeader(softwarekey, apiclientid)

        client = CreateClient(uri, commapikey, apiversion, sSignature)

        headers = GetHeaders(commapikey, apiversion, sSignature)

    Select Case verb
        Case "GET"
            request = BuildRequest(client, HttpMethod.Get, String.Format("{1}?subscription-key={0}", subscriptionkey, resource))
        Case "PUT"
            request = BuildRequest(client, HttpMethod.Put, String.Format("{1}?subscription-key={0}", subscriptionkey, resource))
        Case "POST"
                request = BuildRequest(client, HttpMethod.Post, String.Format("{1}?subscription-key={0}", subscriptionkey, resource))
        Case Else
                request = BuildRequest(client, HttpMethod.Get, String.Format("{1}?subscription-key={0}", subscriptionkey, resource))
        End Select

        response = client.SendAsync(request)

        result = response.Result

        If result.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest Then
            ' error
            json = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
            RequestGood = True
        End If

End Function
Public Function GetAuthHeader(ByVal key As String, ByVal message As String) As String

    Dim sToken As String = String.Format("{0}:{1}", message, key)
    Dim sReturn As String = Nothing
    Dim bTokenBytes() = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sToken)
    sReturn = String.Format("Basic {0}", Convert.ToBase64String(bTokenBytes))
    Return sReturn

End Function

Public Function CreateClient(ByVal config As Uri, ByVal commApiKey As String, ByVal APIVer As String, ByVal APISignature As String) As HttpClient

        Dim handler As HttpClientHandler = New HttpClientHandler
        Dim client As New HttpClient(handler)
        client.BaseAddress = config
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(New MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"))
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("community-api-key", commApiKey)
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("api-version", APIVer)
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("authorization", APISignature)
        If json <> Nothing Then
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("data", json)
        End If

    Return client

End Function
    Public Function GetHeaders(ByVal commApiKey As String, ByVal APIVer As String, ByVal APISignature As String) As String

        Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
        sb.Append(String.Format("community-api-key:{0}" & Chr(10), commApiKey))
        sb.Append(String.Format("api-version:{0}" & Chr(10), APIVer))
        sb.Append(String.Format("authorization:{0}" & Chr(10), APISignature))
        Return sb.ToString().ToLower()

    End Function

Public Function BuildRequest(ByVal client As HttpClient, ByVal method As HttpMethod, ByVal uri As String) As HttpRequestMessage

        Dim request As HttpRequestMessage = New HttpRequestMessage()
        request.Headers.Accept.Add(New MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"))
        request.Method = method
        request.RequestUri = New Uri(client.BaseAddress, uri)

    Return request

    End Function





5. Set the ContentType property to an appropriate value:

request.ContentType = "..."

6.通过调用 []:

6. Get the stream that holds request data by calling the GetRequestStream method[^]:

dataStream = request.GetRequestStream()


7. Write the data to the Stream object returned by this method:

dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)


8. Close the request stream by calling the Stream.Close method:




这篇关于我可以使用相同的SendAsync进程在Web API中发布事务吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-13 22:16