使用 Win32 API(在 C 中,但这无关紧要),如何判断给定窗口(由 HWND 标识)是否具有焦点?
Using the Win32 API (in C, but that's inconsequential), how can I tell if a given window (identified by HWND) has focus?
I'm hooking an application watching for an event, and when that event occurs I want to check if the application already has focus. If it doesn't, I want to flash the window until they give focus to it.
或者,如果窗口已经有焦点,FlashWindowEx 结构标志 FLASHW_TIMERNOFG 是否会闪烁直到窗口获得焦点才不会闪烁?
Alternately, does the FlashWindowEx struct flag FLASHW_TIMERNOFG that flashes until the window has focus just not flash if the window already has focus?
I cannot test this now since I am not in my development environment, but I was under the impression that it would flash anyways, which is what I'm trying to avoid.
此外,如果重要的话,应用程序在此窗口中使用 DirectX.
Also, if it matters, the application uses DirectX in this window.
GetActiveWindow 将返回与输入焦点相关联的顶级窗口.GetFocus 将返回具有输入焦点.
GetActiveWindow will return the top-level window that is associated with the input focus. GetFocus will return the handle of the window that has the input focus.
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