

是否可以在Action Extension目标上执行UI测试?我无法使用Action Extension作为要测试的目标"来创建UI测试目标.我正在尝试从Safari(或照片",虽然首选Safari/两者都选)中加载动作扩展"


app.icons ["Safari"].tap()







我什至不确定是否能够启动与Action Extension的自动化交互,但希望有可能实现.


因此,可以使用XCUITest切换应用程序,但该文档未记录.如果您查看 Facebook的WebDriverAgent ,标头转储,并制作了一个用于从跳板发射的助手.您可以致电:

  XCUIApplication * safari = [[XCUIApplication alloc] initWithPrivatePath:nil bundleID:@"com.apple.safari"];[safari启动]; 

然后与Safari交互,就像执行您的应用程序一样.但是,我遇到了类似的问题,其中XCUITest不会真正启动扩展本身.打开后(即在测试运行时在扩展按钮上进行物理点击),测试运行器就可以完美运行,并且可以在与您的应用相同的上下文中与扩展交互.但是,让测试运行程序点击以启动扩展程序无济于事.我还遇到了一个 Apple Dev论坛问题.>



 //应用是您的XCUIApplication//在这种情况下,我们在水平中间和y坐标603处轻敲(这是6+的屏幕尺寸)XCUICoordinate * ordinateOfRowThatLaunchesYourExtension = [应用程序坐标WithNormalizedOffset:CGVectorMake(0.5,603.0/736.0)];[coordinateOfRowThatLaunchesYourExtension tap]; 


  [app.sheets.staticTexts [@"MyApp"]点击]; 

Is it possible to perform UI tests on Action Extension targets? I am unable to create a UI testing target with the Action Extension as the "Target to be Tested." I am trying to load the Action Extension from within Safari (or Photos, although Safari/both is prefered)

If I record my interactions I can get as far as:


I can then manually add:


before the generated code, but it doesn't work as expected (the simulator is left on the home screen).

I have also tried:

UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(NSURL(string: "https://google.com")!)

but that also doesn't open Safari.

I'm not even sure if I'll be able to interact in an automated with with the Action Extension if it does get launched, but hopefully it'll be possible.


So, it's possible to switch apps with XCUITest, but it's undocumented. If you check out Facebook's WebDriverAgent, they did a header dump and made a helper for launching from the springboard. You can call:

XCUIApplication* safari = [[XCUIApplication alloc] initWithPrivatePath:nil bundleID:@"com.apple.safari"];

[safari launch];

And then interact with Safari just like you do your app. However, I've run into a similar problem where XCUITest won't actually launch the extension itself. Once open (i.e. you tap physically on the extension button while the test is running), the test runner works perfectly, and you can interact with your extension in the same context as your app. However, having the test runner tap to launch the extension does nothing. I've also got an Apple Dev Forum question going on this topic.


It turns out if you use the app to press the screen at the location of the button, the extension will load and you can interact with it! Note that the API for tapping a coordinate is very wonky. The x, y are multipliers of the frame of the thing that you created the coordinate from. Relevant sample code:

// app is your XCUIApplication
// In this case we are tapping in the horizontal middle and at the y coordinate 603 (this is for a 6+ screen size)
XCUICoordinate* coordinateOfRowThatLaunchesYourExtension = [app coordinateWithNormalizedOffset:CGVectorMake(0.5, 603.0 / 736.0)];
[coordinateOfRowThatLaunchesYourExtension tap];

This will press the button for your extension in the action sheet, after Apple's extension picker has been invoked. For whatever reason / bug in XCUITest simply pressing your app in the action sheet doesn't work:

[app.sheets.staticTexts[@"MyApp"] tap];


09-12 21:14