对于iOS 9和早期版本的操作系统,AVSpeechUtterance率不起作用。
The AVSpeechUtterance rate does not work the same for iOS 9 and prior versions of OS.Which is the change I have to make so that the sentence is spoken at the same speed. Are there any other changes I need to make for iOS9?It seems that multiplying the AVSpeechUtterance.rate by 6.0 works fine.Thank you!
我在使用新的XCode编译后也看到了这一变化。以下是我从旧到新速度的映射。如果设备是< = iOS8或> = iOS9,我现在有不同的速度分配。
I also see the change after compiling with the new XCode. Below are my mappings from old to new speed. I now have different speed assignments if device is <= iOS8 or >= iOS9.
iOS 8 iOS 9
Very Slow 0 0.42
Slower 0.06 0.5
My Normal 0.15 0.53
Faster 0.23 0.56
这篇关于AV9peechSynthesizer问题的iOS9 AVSpeechUtterance率的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!