


Object {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4, 3: 6, 4: 8, 5: 11, 6: 13, 7: 15, 8: 17, 9: 19, 10: 22, 11: 24, 12: 26, 13: 28, 14: 30, 15: 33, 16: 35, 17: 37, 18: 39, 19: 41, 20: 44, 21: 46, 22: 48, 23: 50, 24: 52, 25: 55, 26: 57, 27: 59, 28: 61, 29: 63, 30: 66, 31: 68, 32: 70, 33: 72, 34: 74, 35: 77, 36: 79, 37: 81, 38: 83, 39: 85, 40: 88, 41: 90, 42: 92, 43: 94, 44: 97, 45: 99, 46: 101, 47: 103, 48: 105, 49: 108, 50: 110, 51: 112, 52: 114, 53: 116, 54: 119, 55: 121, 56: 123, 57: 125, 58: 127, 59: 130, 60: 132, 61: 134, 62: 136, 63: 138, 64: 141, 65: 143, 66: 145, 67: 147, 68: 149, 69: 152, 70: 154, 71: 156, 72: 158, 73: 160, 74: 163, 75: 165, 76: 167, 77: 169, 78: 171, 79: 174, 80: 176, 81: 178, 82: 180, 83: 182, 84: 185, 85: 187, 86: 189, 87: 191, 88: 194, 89: 196, 90: 198, 91: 200, 92: 202, 93: 205, 94: 207, 95: 209, 96: 211, 97: 213, 98: 216, 99: 218…}


and I'm using it in ng-options for select box. But I got them rendered in wrong order:



How can I sort values in select box as integers? In common, I should use natural sorting function. Something like this https://github.com/overset/javascript-natural-sort/blob/master/naturalSort.js However I have only numbers in this list and maybe there are simplier solution in my case?


Maybe it is possible in some way to make angular treat objects keys and integers?


Here is the plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/mUBM0egiS8pl8odaWQQY?p=preview


您必须将列表转换为数组,以保证排序顺序。 You不能保证排序顺序使用对象的HashMap,它只是不这样的。

You have to convert the list to an array to guarantee sort order. You cannot guarantee sort order using an Object hashmap, it just doesn't work that way.

最好的办法 - 性能明智的 - 是将对象转换控制器:

The best bet — performance wise — is to convert the object in the controller:

var values = {...}
$scope.selectOptions = [];
angular.forEach(values, function(value, key) {
        key: value,
        label: key


<select model="selected" ng-options="opt.key as opt.label for opt in selectOptions"></select>


This will create a select where the labels are the original object's property keys and the values are the original object's property values.

如果你想在飞行发生重排,你可以做到这一点作为一个过滤器,但要对ppared潜在的性能问题$ P $。

If you want the rearranging to occur on the fly, you can do it as a filter, but be prepared for potential performance issues.

app.filter("naturalSortedObject", function() {
    return function(obj) {
        var result = [];
        angular.forEach(obj, function(value, key) {
                key: value,
                label: key
        return result;


Then use it like this:

<select model="selected"
    ng-options="opt.key as opt.label for opt in selectOptions | naturalSortedObject"></select>


Also, you already have a natural sorting algorithm, but if you want one that's already designed to be used as an Angular filter & module, I wrote one. It integrates pretty well, and can be used in a caching manner to make it a little faster.


09-12 17:04