我的javascript体验中最困难的问题之一是 iframe高度的正确(即跨浏览器)计算。
One of the most difficult problems in my javascript experience has been the correct (that is "cross-browser") computing of a iframe height.In my applications I have a lot of dynamically generated iframe and I want them all do a sort of autoresize at the end of the load event to adjust their height and width.
In the case of height computing my best solution is the following (with the help of jQuery):
function getDocumentHeight(doc) {
var mdoc = doc || document;
if (mdoc.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') {
return mdoc.body.offsetHeight;
else {
if ($.browser.msie)
return mdoc.body.scrollHeight;
return Math.max($(mdoc).height(), $(mdoc.body).height());
我在Firefox / IE / Safari中研究并测试了大量有关文档高度的属性: documentElement.clientHeight,documentElement.offsetHeight,documentElement.scrollHeight,body.offsetHeight,body.scrollHeight ,. ..
此外,jQuery在各种浏览器中没有连贯的行为,调用 $(document.body).height(),$('html' ,doc).height(),$(window).height()
I searched the internet without success. I also tested Yahoo library that has some methods for document and viewport dimensions, but it's not satisfactory.My solution works decently, but sometimes it calculates a taller height.I've studied and tested tons of properties regarding document height in Firefox/IE/Safari: documentElement.clientHeight, documentElement.offsetHeight, documentElement.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, body.scrollHeight, ...
Also jQuery doesn't have a coherent behavior in various browser with the calls $(document.body).height(), $('html', doc).height(), $(window).height()
I call the above function not only at the end of load event, but also in the case of dynamically inserted DOM elements or elements hidden or shown. This is a case that sometimes breaks the code that works only in the load event.
是否有人拥有真正的跨浏览器(至少是Firefox / IE / Safari)解决方案?一些提示或提示?
Does someone have a real cross-browser (at least Firefox/IE/Safari) solution? Some tips or hints?
Although I like your solution, I've always found IFRAMEs to be more trouble than they're worth.
为什么? 1.尺码问题。 2. iframe有src属性需要担心。即绝对路径。 3.页面的额外复杂性。
Why ? 1. The sizing issue. 2. the iframe has that src attribute to worry about. i.e. absolute path. 3. the extra complexity with the pages.
我的解决方案 - 通过AJAX调用动态加载的DIV。 DIV将自动调整大小。虽然AJAX代码需要javascript工作(可以通过框架完成),但它们与网站的位置有关。 3是一个洗,你交易的页面复杂度高达javascript。
My solution - DIVs which are dynamically loaded through AJAX calls. DIVs will auto size. Although the AJAX code requires javascript work (which can be done through frameworks) they are relative to where the site is. 3 is a wash, you're trading complexity in pages up to javascript.
而不是< IFRAME ...>使用< DIV id =mystuff/>
Instead of <IFRAME ...> use <DIV id="mystuff" />
执行ajax调用以使用数据填充mystuff div并让浏览器担心它。
Do the ajax call to fill the mystuff div with data and let the browser worry about it.