


I'm wondering if there is a way to get a handle on the DOM element that contains the script inside it. So if I had:

<script type="text/javascript> var x = ?; </script>


Is there a way that I can assign "x" a reference to the script element that contains "x"?


您可以在script元素中包含一些标记文本,然后(类似于David所说的那样),您可以遍历所有 script 元素(使用 getElementsByTagName 或库的任何功能(如果使用的话)可能具有).那应该可靠地找到元素.看起来像这样(在线示例):

You could include some marker text in the script element, and then (similar to what David said), you can loop through all the script elements in the DOM (using getElementsByTagName or whatever features your library, if you're using one, may have). That should find the element reliably. That would look something like this (live example):

  <script id='first' type='text/javascript'>
    (function() {
      var x = "MARKER:first";
  <script id='second' type='text/javascript'>
    (function() {
      var x = "MARKER:second";
  <script id='third' type='text/javascript'>
    (function() {
      var x = "MARKER:third";
  <script id='last' type='text/javascript'>
    (function() {
      var scripts, index, script;

      scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
      for (index = 0; index < scripts.length; ++index) {
        script = scripts[index];
        if (script.innerHTML.indexOf("MARKER:second") >= 0
           && script.id !== "last") {
          display("Found MARKER:second in script tag #" + script.id);

      function display(msg) {
        var p = document.createElement('p');
        p.innerHTML = msg;


Note that, like the script above, if you're looking for a script tag marker from within a different script tag, you'll need to handle that. Above it's handled by checking the ID of the script tag, but you can also just break it up in the one you don't want to find, like this (live example):

if (script.innerHTML.indexOf("MARKER:" + "second") >= 0) {
  display("Found MARKER:" + "second in script tag #" + script.id);


09-10 22:32