< html>< head>
< title> IE显示测试< / title>
< style type =text / css>
[type = button] {
< / style>
< / head>
< body>
< input type =buttonvalue =Button 1/>
< input type =buttonvalue =Button 2/>
< input type =buttonvalue =Button 3/>
< / body>< / html>
编辑:我想出了一个和,似乎很可能是Internet Explorer中安全功能的效果。您的生产服务器位于您的内部网中,并通过私有的A类IPv4地址( 10。*。*。*
这一切只是一个猜测,恐怕 - 我无法在任何系统上的任何IE浏览器重现您的问题,至少不是在您的个人服务器或与我自己的文件。如果您的生产服务器对公开访问,而不仅仅是技术上,或许您可以提供一个链接,以便我们可以进一步调试,因为问题显然本地化为只有您的生产服务器。 >
On my website, IE7 seems to be ignoring certain CSS attribute selectors. The strange thing is that it only happens when the page comes from the production server. If I have the exact same code on my personal server, or saved on my hard drive, it works fine. Here is an example which causes the problem:
<title>IE display test</title>
<style type="text/css">
[type=button] {
display: block;
<input type="button" value="Button 1"/>
<input type="button" value="Button 2"/>
<input type="button" value="Button 3"/>
Since the display on the buttons is set to "block", they should be arranged vertically. But only when the page is served from my production server, they are arranged horizontally. When I use the developer toolbar to inspect the style, I don't see the "display" property like I usually do. The only thing I can think of that would possibly cause this is the URL of the page or the response headers coming from the server. I can maybe figure it out by experimenting but that would be inconvenient and time-consuming so before I do that, I would like to ask: Why is this happening and what can be done about it?
EDIT: I came up with a Fiddle. It looks fine on that site.
EDIT 2: Here are the response headers coming from the production server:
EDIT 3: Here are the response headers from my personal server:
The production server is not applying gzip compression because it only does that for files above a certain size. If I add some stuff to make the file big enough, it uses gzip and I still see the problem in IE7, so this does not seem to have anything to do with gzip.
I tried configuring my personal server to send a "Content-Language" header like the production server and that did not trigger the problem.
I don't know if any of the other headers have anything to do with this. I can try testing them but it will be kind of tricky so it may take some time.
EDIT 4: I don't notice this problem in IE8, even if I turn on compatibility mode. I am testing this on Windows XP, in case that matters.
EDIT 5: I put the charset in the Content-Type header from my personal server. It didn't trigger the problem.
EDIT 6: Here are some screenshots:Served from the production server:
Served from my personal server:
Loaded directly from my hard drive:
EDIT 7: I finally got a clue as to what is causing this! I tried entering javascript:alert(document.compatMode)
into the address bar. The personal and direct pages showed CSS1Compat
but the production page showed BackCompat
. It seems like the browser is in quirks mode only when it is rendering the page from the production server. So far, I have no idea why this is happening or what to do about it.
EDIT 8: I left out a detail: The screenshot is actually from my dev environment, which is emulating the production server but running on my own computer. That would make BoltClock's reply seem plausible, except for the fact that the same problem is showing up on our actual production server, which is on an IP address matching 173...*. Why do I see the problem on that server? Is that also a private IP address? It may be helpful to know that the actual production server is using https.
EDIT 9: Since the bounty expired, the problem stopped showing up on the production server but it still shows up in my dev environment ( I have no idea why. I think I will blame it on cosmic rays unless I can come up with some more evidence.
As discussed in the comments, according to this answer by thirtydot and this answer by scunliffe, it seems very likely to be the effect of a security feature in Internet Explorer. Your production server lives within your intranet, and is being accessed via a private, class A IPv4 address (10.*.*.*
), which I suspect basically causes IE7 to render pages in quirks mode (and IE8 and newer to render pages in Compatibility View).
All this is just a guess, though, I'm afraid — I haven't been able to reproduce your problem in any IE browser on any system, at least not on your personal server or with my own files. If your production server is open to public access, not just technically, perhaps you could provide a link to it so we can debug further, as the problem is obviously localized to just your production server.