


我的问题是,图表的大小是正确的仅在第一次的我点击一个标签。当我切换标签,所创建的图表大大超过其容器的大小。出人意料的是,图表正确的窗口大小调整大小后(即,当 chart.reflow()被调用)。









  VAR WIDTH = 0;
VAR planreflow =功能(){
      如果(宽!== $('#集装箱')。宽度()){
      宽度= $('#集装箱')宽()。



  1. 当图完成的错误的大小装:

问题并非来自Highcharts,但是从定时创建图表时。我直接叫我的角度指令 .highcharts()链接()功能。该JS基本上看起来像这样:


由于我的元素也有一个取决于NG-如果指令的标签是否被选中与否,我想,当情况变,棱角分明的通话链接()函数确定元件的尺寸前(我猜的HTML必须是为了确定准备元件的大小)。所以我觉得这个问题是,我是叫 .highcharts()前的文件准备好了。出于某种原因,我还是不明白,元素的大小是正确的第一次NG,如果成真的话,但不正确的下一个时代。

反正溶液(仍然不是很优雅 - 但比打电话更好的回流())是延缓调用 .highcharts() 本身,以确保在创建图表时的HTML准备就绪:


感谢您的 @Pavel毕淑敏的有关 .highcharts()的setTimeout()的行为,您的意见

  • 切换类时不图调整

  • 有关这个问题,我把角的事件系统的优势。


      $ scope.toggleFullScreen =功能(E){
      。$ $范围广播('全屏');





    My application displays HighCharts charts in various tabs (using AngularJS). Note that the charts are re-generated on the fly every time a tab is selected (Meaning that Angular "removes or recreates a portion of the DOM tree" every time).

    My problem is that the size of the chart is correct only the first time I click on a tab. When I switch tabs, the charts that are created largely exceed the size of their container. Surprisingly, the charts are correctly resized after a window resize (i.e. when chart.reflow() is called).

    So I tried the following, which did not help:

        chart: {
          type: 'scatter',
          zoomType: 'xy',
          events: {
            load: function () {

    Finally, the following did work, but it feels like a hack.

        chart: {
          type: 'scatter',
          zoomType: 'xy',
          events: {
            load: function () {
              var chart = this;
              setTimeout(function () { chart.reflow(); }, 0);

    Any idea where the problem comes from? I am spending hours on this, and this is pretty frustrating...

    EDIT: I have another related question: By default my charts have a given size, but I have an "enlarge" button to make them take the full space. The button simply toggles a CSS class to do that. However, doing this does not trigger a resize event, and so does not trigger a reflow. So I have the same problem of charts not filling their container.

    Here is a fiddle to demonstrate the issue:http://jsfiddle.net/swaek268/3/

    Again, I have found a way around the problem, but it feels like an even bigger hack.

    var width = 0;
    var planreflow = function(){
          width = $('#container').width();
      }, 10);

    I think I found solutions to both of my problems:

    1. Wrong size when chart finishes loading:

    The problem does not come from Highcharts, but from the timing when the chart is created. I directly called .highcharts() from the link() function of my Angular directive. The JS looking essentially like this:

    app.directive('dynamicView', function() {
      return {
        link: function(scope, element, attrs){

    As my element also has a ng-if directive depending on whether the tab is selected or not, I imagine that when that condition turns true, angular calls the link() function before the dimension of the element is determined (I guess the HTML has to be ready in order to determine the size of the elements). So I think the problem was that I was calling .highcharts() before the document was ready. For some reason that I still don't understand, the size of the element is correct the first time ng-if turns true, but incorrect the next times.

    Anyway, a solution (still not very elegant - but better than calling reflow()) is to delay the call to .highcharts() itself, to make sure that the HTML is ready when creating the charts:

    link: function(scope, element, attrs){
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 0);

    Thank you @Pavel Fus for your comments on the behaviour of .highcharts() and setTimeout().

    1. Chart not resizing when toggling a class

    For this problem I took advantage of Angular's eventing system.

    In my controller controlling the full-screen button:

    $scope.toggleFullScreen = function(e){

    This event is passed down the hierarchy, ending-up to my directives containing the charts. All I have to do, when creating my charts is to listen to this event, and trigger a reflow() accordingly:

    scope.$on('fullscreen', function(){
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 0);

    Note that --again-- the trick only works if I delay the reflow with setTimeout(). Not sure why.

    I hope this helps! Spent quite a bit of time on this...


    09-09 19:26