Regarding AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition ) I read the phase like this:
What is the the purpose in javascript context? Can you make some example? pro et contro of using AMD?
Long before JavaScript gained a native module system, the only way to put scripts onto a page were <script>
elements. These executed in sequence, in the order they appear on the HTML. This means that if your script relied on jQuery, then jQuery's <script>
has to come before your script's <script>
. Otherwise, it blows up.
It's not uncommon to logically split an app into multiple files, especially as the app grows. But using this system of manually ordering scripts becomes a nightmare quickly. Your scripts have implicit dependencies whose management is defined elsewhere. This is where AMD comes in.
AMD是模块规范,而RequireJS是此类系统的实现.简而言之,它是对代码的包装:1)使脚本保持惰性直到被调用; 2)允许脚本显式定义其依赖关系; 3)允许模块系统确定哪些依赖关系以什么顺序执行.
AMD is a module specification and RequireJS is an implementation of such system. Simply put, it's a wrapper around your code that 1) keeps your script inert until invoked, 2) allows your script to explicitly define its dependencies and, 3) allows the module system to work out which dependencies execute in what order.
// your-app.js
define(['jquery', 'underscore'], function($, _){
// Your script sits in this "wrapper" function.
// RequireJS now knows app.js needs jquery and underscore.
// It loads and executes them first before your script.
// jquery.js
define('jquery', [], function(){
// jQuery stuff
return jQuery
// underscore.js
define('underscore', [], function(){
// underscore stuff
return underscore
// Then on your HTML, load up your app.
<script data-main="path/to/app.js" src="path/to/require.js"></script>