


我正在开发逻辑内核,以使用我的FPGA板上的LAN8710 PHY在FPGA和PC之间执行数据传输.

I am developing a logic core to perform data transfer between a FPGA and a PC over ethernet, using a LAN8710 PHY on my FPGA board.


I've achieved to transfer some UDP data packets from the FPGA to the PC. It's a simple core that complies with the PHY transfer requirements. It builds the UDP package and transfer it to the PC.


To check the reception on the PC, I am using Wireshark and as said above, I receive the packets correctly. I've checked the reception with a simple UDP receiver written by myself.

但是,我注意到,只有在PC上运行Wireshark时,我才会收到这些数据包.我的意思是,如果Wireshark打开,我的应用程序也会接收到数据包,并且下图接收到的数据包的计数器会增加. (这张照片不是我的,只是互联网上的一张)

But, I've noticed that I only receive these packets when Wireshark is running on the PC. I mean, if Wireshark is ON, my application receives the packets too, and the counter of received packets of the following picture increases. (This picture is not mine, just one from the internet)



If I close Wireshark, the PC stops receiving packets and the counter of received packets stops. My application stops receiving too.

  1. 尽管是网络主题的新手,但我怀疑此问题与PC端有关.好像Wireshark正在打开/关闭"以太网通信通道之类.有人知道这个问题吗?

  1. Although novice on networking topics, I suspect that this issue is related to PC-side. Seems like Wireshark is "opening/closing" the ethernet communication channel, or something like that. Does anyone knows about this issue?


To build a functional core to transfer data between a PC and the FPGA, I've developed a core to transfer and receive UDP packets. Next step will be ARP implementation (to let the PC identify my FPGA board, as I understand). What protocols are necessary to perform full-duplex data transfer between this 2 devices?





After many months I solved it, I post to help someone stucked in the same point.


Finally I figured out that Wireshark uses a tool to access the network link layer of the computer. This tool allows Wireshark to sniff all incoming and outgoing packets at a specified network device. To do this, the first step is to OPEN the network device, and that's why my program only worked if Wireshark was open.




09-08 14:56