



I have a situation where I need to copy everything out of a database (except data) and deploy it to a new database. I am currently doing this by importing from the existing database into SSDT and then publish the project to the new database.


I want to know if there is a way I can do this programmatically. Ideally I would like to have a process in place where I can give the process the name of the database to copy from, the name of the database to copy to, and then the process would just automatically carry out the import and export.


What might be a good way to do this?


SSDT是由称为数据层应用程序框架(也称为DacFX)的库提供支持。 DacFX是一个公共API,可用于提取和发布dacpac文件。您可以在类似以下目录的Visual Studio或SQL Server下的程序文件中找到DacFX的副本:

SSDT is powered by a library called the Data-Tier Application Framework (also known as DacFX). DacFX is a public API that you can use to extract and publish dacpac files. You can find a copy of DacFX in Program Files under Visual Studio or SQL Server in a directory something like this:

  • C:\Program文件(x86)\ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\扩展名\Microsoft\SQLDB\DAC\130

  • C:\Program Files(x86 )\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DAC\bin


You can download the latest version of DacFX here:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=51672


Note that when you install DacFX it's also necessary to install its dependencies, SqlSysClrTypes and SqlDom, which can be found in the System Requirements section of the above download page.


To use DacFX to extract and publish a dacpac file, you can use SqlPackage.exe, like so:

C :\程序文件(x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DAC\bin\SqlPackage.exe / a:提取/ scs:数据源= YOURSERVER;初始目录= YOURDB;集成安全性= true / tf:C:\temp\yourdb .dacpac

C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DAC \bin\SqlPackage.exe / a:发布/ tcs:数据源= YOURSERVER;初始目录= YOUROTHERDB;集成安全性= true /sf:C:\temp\yourdb.dacpac

或者,您可以通过Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac API以编程方式使用DacFX,如下所示:
using Microsoft.SqlServer。 Dac;
静态void Main(string [] args)
DacServices ds = new DacServices( Data Source = YOURSERVER; Initial Catalog = YOURDB;集成安全性= true);
ds.Extract(@ C:\temp\yourdb.dacpac, YOURDB, AppName,新的System.Version());
使用(DacPackage dp = DacPackage.Load(@ C:\temp\yourdb.dacpac))
ds.Deploy(dp, YOUROTHERDB);

Alternately, you can use DacFX programmatically using the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac API, like so:using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac;class Program{ static void Main(string[] args) { DacServices ds = new DacServices("Data Source=YOURSERVER;Initial Catalog=YOURDB;Integrated Security=true"); ds.Extract(@"C:\temp\yourdb.dacpac", "YOURDB", "AppName", new System.Version()); using (DacPackage dp = DacPackage.Load(@"C:\temp\yourdb.dacpac")) { ds.Deploy(dp, "YOUROTHERDB"); } }}



09-08 00:05