本文介绍了获取所有股票符号股市 - 明智的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 大家好, 当天的问候! 我没有太多的Yahoo Finance API经验。我需要使用这个API从雅虎获得股票市场的所有股票代码。有人可以帮我实现这个目的吗? 我认为这可以通过从雅虎下载股票数据来实现。 我已尝试通过 http://code.google访问示例代码。 com / p / yahoo-finance-managed / [ ^ ]但没有运气。 我很感激任何帮助。 到目前为止我已尝试过这个: TextWriter tw = File.CreateText( StockData.csv); AlphabeticIDIndexDownload dl1 = new AlphabeticIDIndexDownload(); dl1.Settings.TopIndex = null ; 响应< AlphabeticIDIndexResult> resp1 = dl1.Download(); tw.WriteLine( Id | Isin |名称|交换|类型|行业); Console.WriteLine( Id | Isin |名称|交换|类型|行业) ; foreach ( var alphabeticalIndex in resp1.Result.Items) { AlphabeticalTopIndex topIndex =(AlphabeticalTopIndex)alphabeticalIndex; dl1.Settings.TopIndex = topIndex; 响应< AlphabeticIDIndexResult> resp2 = dl1.Download(); foreach ( var index in resp2.Result.Items) { IDSearchDownload dl2 = new IDSearchDownload(); 回复< IDSearchResult> resp3 = dl2.Download(index); foreach ( var item in resp3.Result.Items) { tw.WriteLine(item.ID + | + item.ISIN + | + item.Name + | + item.Exchange + | + item.Type + | + item.Industry); Console.WriteLine(item.ID + | + item.ISIN + | + item.Name + | + item.Exchange + | + item.Type + + item.Industry + Exchange: + item.Exchange); } } } 最好的问候, Sunny 解决方案 您确定无法获得此代码示例。 我可以从链接 [ ^ ]以及来自此处 [ ^ ] Hi everyone,Greetings for the day!I don''t have much experience of Yahoo Finance API. I''m required to get all the stock symbols stock-market-wise from yahoo using this API. Can somebody please help me to achieve this purpose?I think this could be achieved by downloading the ticker data from Yahoo.I''ve tried getting into the sample codes at http://code.google.com/p/yahoo-finance-managed/[^] but no luck.I appreciate any little help.I''ve tried this so far:TextWriter tw = File.CreateText("StockData.csv"); AlphabeticIDIndexDownload dl1 = new AlphabeticIDIndexDownload(); dl1.Settings.TopIndex = null; Response<AlphabeticIDIndexResult> resp1 = dl1.Download(); tw.WriteLine("Id|Isin|Name|Exchange|Type|Industry"); Console.WriteLine("Id|Isin|Name|Exchange|Type|Industry"); foreach (var alphabeticalIndex in resp1.Result.Items) { AlphabeticalTopIndex topIndex = (AlphabeticalTopIndex)alphabeticalIndex; dl1.Settings.TopIndex = topIndex; Response<AlphabeticIDIndexResult> resp2 = dl1.Download(); foreach (var index in resp2.Result.Items) { IDSearchDownload dl2 = new IDSearchDownload(); Response<IDSearchResult> resp3 = dl2.Download(index); foreach (var item in resp3.Result.Items) { tw.WriteLine(item.ID + "|" + item.ISIN + "|" + item.Name + "|" + item.Exchange + "|" + item.Type + "|" + item.Industry); Console.WriteLine(item.ID + "|" + item.ISIN + "|" + item.Name + "|" + item.Exchange + "|" + item.Type + "|" + item.Industry + "Exchange: " + item.Exchange); } } }Best Regards,Sunny 解决方案 Are you sure you cant get this code samples.I can download the code from this link[^] and sample codes from here[^] 这篇关于获取所有股票符号股市 - 明智的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-24 14:59