本文介绍了ANTLR 4 规则中的选项发生了什么变化?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
这不会在 ANTLR 4 中编译:
This does not compile in ANTLR 4:
Number options { backtrack=true; }
: (IntegerLiteral Range)=> IntegerLiteral { $type = IntegerLiteral; }
| (FloatLiteral)=> FloatLiteral { $type = FloatLiteral; }
| IntegerLiteral { $type = IntegerLiteral; }
因为 backtrace=true...发生了什么?
because of backtrace= true... What happened to it?
我应该在 ANTLR 4 中使用什么来代替它?
WHat should I use in ANTLR 4 instread of it?
目前,ANTLR v4 中没有规则级别的选项.注意 backtrack=true
不再需要,因为新的解析算法不需要回溯.另请注意,在 ANTLR v3 中,backtrack=true
At the moment, there are no rule-level options in ANTLR v4. Note that backtrack=true
is no longer needed since the new parsing algorithm has no need for backtracking. Also note that in ANTLR v3, backtrack=true
was not valid inside lexer rules, only parser rules.
这篇关于ANTLR 4 规则中的选项发生了什么变化?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!