I am creating a bar chart with three variables, pH, Temp, and Dissolved Oxygen. I would like them to be grouped by date nut am having a hard time getting the chart to be seperate bars with the correct scale. Currently my graph is all over the place. This is what I have so far:
dat.g <- gather(Plaster_2019_Data, type, value, -Date)
ggplot(dat.g, aes(Date, value)) +
geom_bar(aes(fill =Date), stat = 'identity', position = "dodge2")
I would like the bars to correspond with pH, Temp, and Dissolved Oxygen and the y axis to be on one scale from 1-30. Any help would be appreciated!
Date Surface pH Temperature
May 12.08 8.56 11.16
May 11.68 8.90 8.76
June 8.69 9.07 14.65
June 2.26 7.49 17.51
July 4.54 7.77 23.82
July 2.13 8.17 25.29
August 6.34 8.62 26.50
September 9.33 9.03 24.31
September 10.98 8.58 21.02
September 9.59 8.61 17.33
October 16.07 8.70 10.39
October 9.12 8.07 6.38
如何通过 type
How about faceting your plot by the type
ggplot(dat.g, aes(Date, value)) +
geom_bar(aes(fill = Date), stat = 'identity', position = "dodge2") +
facet_grid(.~type) +
expand_limits(y = c(1,30))
如果您希望条形图在同一平面上,则另一种选择是将 fill =
参数更改为 type
If you want the bars to be on the same plane, another option is to change the fill =
argument to type
as your x-axis already indicates the months.
ggplot(dat.g, aes(Date, value)) +
geom_bar(aes(fill = type), stat = 'identity', position = "dodge2") +
expand_limits(y = c(1,30))