


I know this has been asked a thousand time, but I think I've tried every solution I've read and I can't seem to get it to work.

我有一个 API,我可以从中获取我的图像,在将图像拉入视图后,我希望它们使用 photowipe 在移动设备上显示.

I have an API from which I'm getting my images, after pulling the images into the view I want them to use photoswipe for displaying on mobile.


'use strict';

App.directive('photoswipe', function () {
return {
    replace: false,
    restrict: 'A',
    link: function photoSwipeLink(scope, element, attr) {
      scope.$watch(attr.photoswipe, function(value){
        angular.element('#gallery a').photoSwipe({
          enableMouseWheel: false,
          enableKeyboard: false


I get this error in the console:

Code.PhotoSwipe.createInstance: No images to passed.


I guess this is because the directive is running before the view has rendered.

如果我添加 $timeout 而不是 watch,那么代码就可以工作.不幸的是,这个解决方案并不好,因为从 API 获取数据可能会有延迟.此外,代码在超时内不起作用.

If I add a $timeout instead of watch then the code does work. Unfortunately this solution is no good, as there could be a delay in getting the data from API. Also, the code doesn't work within the timeout.

我试过,上面的代码,我试过使用 $viewcontentloaded,试过在 ng-repeat 中的最后一个元素之后触发函数,但都不起作用.

I have tried, the above code, I've tried using $viewcontentloaded, have tried firing function after last element in ng-repeat, but neither work.


这是 HTML.

<h1>{{ gallery.headline }}</h1>
<ul id="gallery" photoswipe>
  <li class="gallery" ng-repeat="image in gallery.images">
    <a href="{{ image.url }}" alt="image.caption">
      <img ng-src="{{ image.thumb_url }}" class="thumb" alt="{{ image.caption }}" style="display: block;">
      <h3 class="headline">{{ image.caption }}</h3>


我认为这是因为 Angular 在结果绑定到列表之前处理您的指令.这可能是一个竞争条件.解决这个问题的一种方法是做

I think this is happening because Angular is processing your directive before the results are bound to the list. It is probably a race condition. One way to solve this is to do

$scope.$broadcast("picsDownloaded" ...


event in your controller after you get the results.On the directive, instead of

scope.$watch(attr.photoswipe ....


scope.$on("picsDownloaded" ....

并在该处理程序中应用 Jquery 插件.

and in that handler you apply the Jquery Plugin.


07-18 20:20