


I have 2 <h:selectOneMenu> components and one of them depends of the selection of the other. When you select one value of the first menu component, then the second changes with the event of onchange="submit()" and valueChangeListener="#{Usuario.cmbDatos_action}" of the first menu:

<h:selectOneMenu id="cmbCombo" binding="#{Usuario.cmbDatos}" value="#{Usuario.id}"
    onchange="submit()" valueChangeListener="#{Usuario.cmbDatos_action}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{beanCombos.datos}"></f:selectItems>


It is like Countries and Cities of the selected Country. The first menu is loaded as follows:

public class BeanCombos {

    private List<SelectItem> Datos;

    public BeanCombos() {
        try {
            clsConexion objConexion = new clsConexion();
            String strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Usuarios";
            objConexion.ResultSetSQL = objConexion.EjecutarConsulta(strSQL);
            Datos = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();

            while (objConexion.ResultSetSQL.next()) {
                Usuario objUsuario = new Usuario();
                Datos.add(new SelectItem(objUsuario.getId(), objUsuario.getNombre()));
        } catch(Exception ex) {
            String strError = ex.getMessage().toString();

    public List<SelectItem> getDatos() {
        return Datos;


But when I select one value of the first menu I don't know how load the next menu. I've tried it as follows:

public String cmbDatos_action() {
    try {
        int intValor = Integer.parseInt(cmbDatos.getValue().toString());
    } catch(Exception ex) {


    return null;


In what part of method cmbDatos_action() can I put the code to load the second menu?



The valueChangeListener should refer a method taking ValueChangeEvent argument and returning void.

public void cmbDatos_action(ValueChangeEvent event) {
    // ...

但是您会在验证方面遇到麻烦,因为您基本上是使用onchange="submit()"提交 entire 表单.您还需要将immediate="true"添加到第一个菜单组件.另请参见本文,以获取具有具体示例的详细说明.

But you will run into trouble with regard to validation because you're basically submitting the entire form with onchange="submit()". You'd need to add immediate="true" to the first menu component as well. See also this article for a detailed explanation with concrete examples.

由于您似乎已经在使用JSF 2.x,所以我建议您忘记基于JSF 1.x的解决方法,而直接使用JSF 2.x <f:ajax>方法,该方法非常容易编程.

As you seem to be already using JSF 2.x, I recommend to forget this JSF 1.x based workaround and just go straight with the JSF 2.x <f:ajax> approach which is so much simpler to program.


Here's a kickoff example, based on "Countries" and "Cities" example:

<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.country}" converter="countryConverter">
    <f:selectItems value="#{bean.countries}" var="country" itemValue="#{country}" itemLabel="#{country.name}" />
    <f:ajax listener="#{bean.changeCountry}" render="cities" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="cities" value="#{bean.city}" converter="cityConverter">
    <f:selectItems value="#{bean.cities}" var="city" itemValue="#{city}" itemLabel="#{city.name}" />


public class Bean {

    private List<Country> countries;
    private Country country;
    private List<City> cities;
    private City city;

    private DataService service;

    public void init() {
        countries = service.getCountries();

    public void changeCountry() {
        cities = service.getCities(country);

    // ...


07-18 19:14