将邮件发送到gmail上的外部用户,则使用javax mail api。 Similary我可以收到来自外部邮件域(gmail,yahoo等)的电子邮件现在我有
几个问题基于tis要求: -
1 )有什么标准,像gmail这样的外部邮件域如何将签名中的图像发送到另一个域(如我的应用程序邮件域)?
在我的想法第2点: - 我以前以为我可以使用解决方案建议在 Tim Medora的
解决方案看起来很棒,但是再次,解决方案下面的 Gmail似乎不支持 再次结束我的民谣
的图像作为附件。 p>
- f46d0444ea0d6991ba04b91c92e6
内容类型:图像/ GIF; name =theImage.gif
Content-ID:< theImage @ abcd>
[base64 string]
2)然后,在电子邮件中,将 src 属性中的Content-ID添加到< img>
< img src =cid:theImage @ abcd/>
i need to implement the email signature with image.As of now we only support the text in email signature which is already working.i need to provide the functionalitywhere i can insert the image inside mail signature. i can send the email to user within myapplication and also to user on external mail domain like gmail,yahoo etc. Whenmail is sent to some user with in my application system, system makes entryt o DB and when receiver receives in inbox (which internally read the mail from db). Now if usersend the mail to external user on gmail it makes use of javax mail api . Similary i can receive the email from external mail domains(gmail,yahoo etc) Now i havefew questions based on tis requirement:-
1)Is there any standard for how the external mail domains like gmail send the image inside signature to another domains like (my application mail domain)?Another point related to it gmail user can have two images ,one for signature and another image inside body. How will i determine which image belongs tosignature? Is there any defined property for that?
2)Also not able to make out what is the best/consistent approach to send(whether to internal application user or external mail domain user ) the email signature containingimage so that it renders correctly when user receives it?
what I had in my mind for point 2:- i earlier thought i can use solution suggested at How to display an image in jsp?. wherewith tag <.img src="/getImage.action?imageId=123">, i can fetch the image from db in action class or servlet and return. But keeping in mind once i send the mail to the user on gmail , he will not be able to access the servlet.So this approach does not seems to fit in requirement.Then i came across the another great stackoverflow link base64 encoded images in email signatures wheresolution by Tim Medora looked great but again the comment below the solution Gmail doesn't seem to support it again ended my Folksreally i think i should be done if mail domain like gmail,yahoo support the solution suggested by because in that case i can send image as base64 string insteadof image as attachment.
Folks would be really grateful if you can provide me some pointer/approach regarding both points 1 and 2
To include images in the email message, first you have to include the images as MIME attachments in the email. Each of these attachments must have a "Content-ID" header.
Content-Type: image/gif; name="theImage.gif"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-ID: <theImage@abcd>
[base64 string]
2) Then, in the email message, include the Content-ID in the src
attribute of the <img>
<img src="cid:theImage@abcd" />