本文介绍了C ++标准库如何链接到我的应用程序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当我通常使用来自第三方(非标准)C ++库的代码(包括标头)时,预构建的二进制文件会链接到(或包含在)代表我的应用程序的目标可执行文件中,但是C ++会发生什么情况标准库?据我所知,我不必附带仅使用C ++标准库中代码的应用程序附带的库,因此代码是否静态链接并包含在可执行文件中?

When I usually use code (include headers) from 3rd party (non-standard) C++ libraries, a pre-built binary file is linked to (or included in) the target executable that represents my application, but what happens with C++ standard library?, as far as I have seen I don't have to ship a library with an application that uses code only from the C++ standard library, thus is the code statically linked and included in the executable?



No, the standard libraries by default are dynamically linked at runtime.


When running the dynamic loader will look in a couple of standard places for dynamic libraries if it finds it loads and runs otherwise the application quits.

/usr/lib:查找:libstdc ++ *

On Unix Systems:
/usr/lib: look for: libstdc++*

c:\ windows \ system32寻找:MSVCRT.DLL

On Windows:
c:\windows\system32 look for: MSVCRT.DLL


There are also a couple of Environment variables that can affect the search path. Look at your platforms man page for dlopen to see what they are. Everything you need should be in the man pages for dlopen on your platform.


Most systems have these libs in the appropriate places and will automatically be found.
The rest of the STL will not introduces extra shared lib dependencies.

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07-18 12:43