常规:000> ['homepages / gg','a','b','c','d']。inject([]){list,conf - > if(!conf.contains('homepage')){list<< conf.trim()}}
处调用方法leftShift()at groovysh_evaluate $ _run_closure1.doCall(groovysh_evaluate:3)
常规:000> ['homepages / gg','a','b','c','d']。inject([]){list,conf - > conf.contains('homepage')?列表:列表<< conf.trim()}
===> [a,b,c,d]
为什么我得到 NullPointerException 在第一种情况下,但不是在第二种?我使用Groovy 2.3.7。
if(!conf.contains('homepage')){list<< conf.trim()}
在条件不满足时不返回任何内容。如果没有 else 这个。如果添加 else 返回一个有意义的值,则可以避免该异常。
conf.contains('homepage' )?列表:列表<< conf.trim()
返回一个实际的对象,即使 conf 确实包含'homepage'
现在,让我们看看稍微修改过的例子。我添加了一个 println 来查看闭包参数变成什么:
[ 'homepages / gg','a','b','c','d']。 println[$ list,$ conf]; if(!conf.contains('homepage')){list<< conf.trim()}}
[[],homepages / gg]
java.lang.NullPointerException :无法在ConsoleScript9上的空对象
上调用方法leftShift()$ _run_closure2.doCall(ConsoleScript9:2)
$ b $在ConsoleScript9.run(ConsoleScript9:2)
第一次调用将您传递的空数组作为单个 Object 参数和列表的第一个元素,即homepages / gg。如果表达式被传递给。因为第一个元素homepages / gg确实包含字符串homepage,所以如果条件评估为false。因为没有 else ,什么都没有返回。
由第一次封闭评估返回的 null 引用表示,并与列表的下一个元素一起用于第二次评估。 p>
conf 现在等于a 和 list 等于 null 。更进一步,您可以在 null 列表中使用< 左移运算符(
['homepages / gg','a','b ','c','d']。inject([]){list,conf - > if(!conf.contains('homepage')){list<< conf.trim()} else list}
===> [a,b,c,d]
groovy:000> ['homepages/gg','a','b','c','d'].inject([]) { list, conf -> if (!conf.contains('homepage')) { list << conf.trim() } } ERROR java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method leftShift() on null object at groovysh_evaluate$_run_closure1.doCall (groovysh_evaluate:3) groovy:000> ['homepages/gg','a','b','c','d'].inject([]) { list, conf -> conf.contains('homepage') ? list : list << conf.trim() } ===> [a, b, c, d]
Why do I get a NullPointerException in the first case but not in the second? I am using Groovy 2.3.7.
Because this code:
if (!conf.contains('homepage')) { list << conf.trim() }
does not return anything when the condition is not met. There's no else to this if. If you add an else returning a meaningful value, you'll avoid the exception.
The ternary operator, on the other hand, does return a value whether or not the condition is met so this code:
conf.contains('homepage') ? list : list << conf.trim()
returns an actual object even if conf does contain 'homepage'
To see why this is a problem, take a look at what the inject method does.
To quote the Javadoc:
Now, let's take a look at a slightly modified example. I added a println to see what the closure parameters become:
['homepages/gg','a','b','c','d'].inject([]) { list, conf -> println "[$list, $conf]"; if (!conf.contains('homepage')) { list << conf.trim() } }
Running this yields:
[[], homepages/gg] [null, a] Exception thrown java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method leftShift() on null object at ConsoleScript9$_run_closure2.doCall(ConsoleScript9:2) at ConsoleScript9.run(ConsoleScript9:2)
The first call takes the empty array that you pass as the single Object parameter and the first element of the list, namely "homepages/gg". This gets passed to the if expression. Because the first element, "homepages/gg" does indeed contain the string "homepage", the if condition is evaluated to false. Because there is no else, nothing is returned.
The nothing, represented by a null reference, returned by the first evaluation of the closure is used in the second evaluation, along with the next element of the list.
conf is now equal to "a" and list is equal to null. Further on, you use the << left shift operator on the null list (list << conf.trim()).
Hence the exception.
Here's a version equivalent to the one that works:
['homepages/gg','a','b','c','d'].inject([]) { list, conf -> if (!conf.contains('homepage')) { list << conf.trim() } else list }
The output is as expected:
===> [a, b, c, d]