


I've created a UITableView which I want to scroll underneath my semi-transparent black status bar. In my XIB, I just set the table view's y position to -20 and it all looks fine.


Now, I've just added a pull-to-refresh iOS6 UIRefreshControl which works however, because of the -20 y position, it drags from behind the status bar. I'd like it's "stretched to" position to be under the status bar rather than behind.


It makes sense why it's messing up but there doesn't seem to be any difference changing it's frame and the tableview's content insets etc don't make a difference.


The docs suggest that once the refreshControl has been set, the UITableViewController takes care of it's position from then on.



你可以继承 UIRefreshControl 并实现 layoutSubviews ,如下所示:

You can subclass the UIRefreshControl and implement layoutSubviews like so:

@implementation RefreshControl {
    CGFloat topContentInset;
    BOOL topContentInsetSaved;

- (void)layoutSubviews {
    [super layoutSubviews];

    // getting containing scrollView
    UIScrollView *scrollView = (UIScrollView *)self.superview;

    // saving present top contentInset, because it can be changed by refresh control
    if (!topContentInsetSaved) {
        topContentInset = scrollView.contentInset.top;
        topContentInsetSaved = YES;

    // saving own frame, that will be modified
    CGRect newFrame = self.frame;

    // if refresh control is fully or partially behind UINavigationBar
    if (scrollView.contentOffset.y + topContentInset > -newFrame.size.height) {
        // moving it with the rest of the content
        newFrame.origin.y = -newFrame.size.height;

    // if refresh control fully appeared
    } else {
        // keeping it at the same place
        newFrame.origin.y = scrollView.contentOffset.y + topContentInset;

    // applying new frame to the refresh control
    self.frame = newFrame;

需要tableView的 contentInset 考虑到了,但您可以将 topContentInset 变量更改为您需要的任何值,它将处理其余的值。

It takes tableView's contentInset into account, but you can change topContentInset variable to whatever value you need and it will handle the rest.


I hope the code is documented enough to understand how it works.


07-18 09:50