

我想编写代码以从 Excel 获取数据并将其写入文本文件.这是我的代码:

I want to write code to get data from Excel and write it to a text file. Here is the code I have:

import xlrd
import os.path
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join('D:\TRB 2014 Data','SPS1 demo data.xlsx'))
sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
i = 1

while sh.cell(i,11).value != 0:

   Load = sh.cell(i,11).value
   D1 = sh.cell(i,13).value
   D2 = sh.cell(i,14).value
   D3 = sh.cell(i,15).value
   D4 = sh.cell(i,16).value
   D5 = sh.cell(i,17).value
   D6 = sh.cell(i,18).value
   D7 = sh.cell(i,19).value
   DB1 = str(Load) + "  " + str(D1) + "  " + str(D2) + "  " + str(D3)+ "  " + str(D4)+ "  " + str(D5)+ "  " + str(D6)+ "  " + str(D7)

   file = open("Output.txt", "w")
   file.write(DB1 + '\n')
   i = i + 1

这段代码的问题是写入文本文件的数据总是显示在第一行.因此,虽然我在excel中有20行数据,但文本文件只在文本文件的第一行显示了excel文件中的最后一个数据.我在 file.write 中有 '\n' 但是,它似乎不起作用.

The problem with this code is the data written to the text file is always displayed at the first row. Therefore, although I have 20 rows of data in excel, the text file only shows the last data in the excel file at the very first row in the text file. I have '\n' in file.write but, it doesn't seem to work.


你应该 打开 output.txt 文件,追加模式:

file = open("Output.txt", "a")


Also, you should do this before entering the loop, and it should be closed after that loop.


在这种情况下,您可以使用 with 而不是在最后关闭文件句柄.

In cases like this one, you could use with instead of closing the file handle at the end.

还包括 @Josh 在他自己的回答中提出的好建议,代码可能是这样的:

Also including the good suggestion made by @Josh in his own answer, the code could be this:

import xlrd
import os.path

wb = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join('D:\TRB 2014 Data','SPS1 demo data.xlsx'))
sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
i = 1
with open("Output.txt", "a") as my_file:
    while sh.cell(i,11).value != 0:
        Load = sh.cell(i,11).value
        all_d = sh.col_values(i, 13, 19)
        DB1 = Load + " " + (" ".join(all_d))
        my_file.write(DB1 + '\n')
        i += 1


07-18 07:58