


I'm porting a C library to OSX which haven't given me much of a headache until now. In the next function:

int createDirectory( char *directory ){

    int error;

    error = mkdir(directory, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);

    if( error < 0 ){

        if( errno != EEXIST ){

            return errno;



    return error;


不管是什么目录的mkdir()总是失败, EPERM (不允许操作)。我不知道如果X code可执行程序是沙箱或者如果我失去了一些东西,但我每次传递给函数路径发生故障。

No matter what directory is, mkdir() always fails with EPERM (Operation not permitted). I'm not sure if the xcode executable is sandboxed or if I'm missing something, but every path I pass to the function fails.


I've tried to mkdir from the terminal and the folders are created without a problem, so I'm not sure where the problem is. This function works fine in Linux and Solaris.


"~/Library/Application\\ Support/myApp"


The first one is an actual example of a directory the library should create.



OSX does not expand the '~' character as bash does (although it uses bash).

由于这一方案,在运行 / tmp目录

Given this program, running in /tmp:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    char *given = "~/Library";
    char result[1024];
    char *s;
    mkdir("~", 0755);
    mkdir("~/Library", 0755);
    if ((s = realpath(given, result)) != 0) {
        printf ("%s\n", s);
    } else {
    return 0;


I get this result on OSX:


我得到的Linux(Debian的),这样​​的结果,以及从Solaris 10:

I get this result on Linux (Debian) as well as with Solaris 10:


作为的 Why不波浪号(〜)双引号内扩大? 的,这本来是一个 CSH 的功能, 庆典 前不久(1994年援引页)。它没有在任何给定系统的运行时库的实施

As noted in Why doesn't the tilde (~) expand inside double quotes?, this was originally a csh shell feature which bash incorporated long ago (citing a page from 1994). It is not implemented in any of the given systems' runtime libraries.


07-18 05:11