

我正在尝试确定在发布 UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification 时发生的具体情况。从我所看到的,我可以在任何地方互换使用它们,没有任何不同的事情发生。

I’m trying to ascertain what exactly happens differently when posting a UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification, and a UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification. From what I can see, I can use them interchangeably everywhere and nothing different happens.

Apple文档只是说使用 LayoutChanged 当(例如)一个元素被隐藏或显示时,如果整个屏幕发生变化,使用 ScreenChanged ,但是我对他们做什么感兴趣提供这些信息,以及在使用其中一个时我应该看到的不同。

The Apple documentation simply says to use LayoutChanged when (for example) an element has been hidden or shown, and to use ScreenChanged if the entire screen changes, but I’m interested in what THEY do when I provide this information, and what I should see differently when using one or the other.


Can anyone give a clear explanation of implementation differences between the two?


这两个通知用于视图上的动态内容,并将这些更改传达给屏幕阅读器用户的VoiceOver。这两个通知之间没有什么区别,除了它们的默认行为,以及ScreenChange通知的愚蠢的小boop beep。

These two notifications are for dynamic content on views, and communicating these changes to VoiceOver for screenreader users. There is little difference between these two notifications, except for their default behavior, and the silly little "boop beep" for ScreenChange notifications.


UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification, arg);


Represents a string to be read out, or an on screen element, which VoiceOver will shift its focus to. In the event of dramatic context changes, it is important to send focus to a place that makes sense, or announce that such changes have taken place. Either approach is acceptable from an accessibility point of view, though I prefer approaches that involve the least amount of change possible. In the event of simple layout changes, it is almost always best just to announce the context change, and leave focus where it was. Though sometimes, the element that caused the context change is hidden, and then it is clearly necessary to direct voiceover to highlight new content, because the default behavior in this case is undefined, or perhaps deterministic, but determined by a framework that knows absolutely nothing about your app!

这两个事件之间的区别在于它们都完全相同,它们的默认行为。如果你给 UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification 提供nil,就好像你什么也没做。如果为 UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification 提供nil参数,它将把焦点发送到视图层次结构中标记为accessibilityElement的第一个UIObject,一旦所有视图层次结构发生变化并且绘图完成。

The difference between the two events, given that they both do exactly the same thing, is in their default behavior. If you supply nil to the UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification it is as if you have done nothing. If you supply a nil argument to the UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification it will send focus to the first UIObject in your view hierarchy that is marked as an accessibilityElement, once all view hierarchy changes and drawings are complete.


UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification 适用于动态表单。您希望让用户知道,根据他们在表单中做出的决定,可以使用新选项。例如,如果在表单中选择您是退伍军人,则可能会弹出表单的其他区域以提供更多输入,但这些区域可能已隐藏给其他不关心它们的用户。因此,您可以在用户交互后将焦点转移到这些元素:

A good use case example for UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification is for dynamic forms. You want to let users know that, based on decisions they've made in the form, new options are available. For example, if in a form you select that you are a Veteran, additional areas of the form may pop up to provide more input, but these areas may have been hidden to other users who did not care about them. So you could shift focus to these elements after user interaction:

UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification, firstNewFormElement);


Which would shift focus to the provided element, and announce it's accessibilityLabel.


Or just tell them that the new form elements are there:

UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification, @"Veterans form elements available");


Which would leave focus where it is, but VoiceOver would announce "Veterans form elements available".


Note: This particular behavior is bugged on my iPad (8.1.2).


Or finally you could do this:

UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityLayoutChangedNotification, nil);


Which does absolutely nothing :). Seriously, I don't even think the a11y framework backend cares. This particular line of code is a complete waste!


一个好的 UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification 的用例示例是自定义选项卡式浏览情境。当整个屏幕(导航区域除外)发生变化时。你想让画外音知道基本上整个屏幕都改变了,但不是要聚焦第一个元素(你的第一个标签)而是要聚焦第一个内容元素。

A good use case example for the UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification is customized tabbed browsing situations. When the entire screen, with the exception of your navigation area, changes. You want to let voiceover know that essentially the entire screen changed, but NOT to focus the first element (your first tab) but to focus the first content element.

UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, firstNonGlobalNavElement);

哪个会播放boop beep声音,然后将焦点转移到全局导航栏下方。或者你可以这样做:

Which would play the "boop beep" sound and then shift focus to just beneath your global navigation bar. Or you could do this:

UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, @"You're on a new tab");

等待新标签加载,播放beep boop声音,宣布你在画外音中重新选择一个新标签,然后将焦点转移到屏幕上的第一个元素,然后宣布该元素的accessibilityLabel。 (PHEW!这很多!这对于屏幕阅读器用户来说是不和谐的。除非绝对必要,否则避免这种情况。)

Which would wait for the new tab to load, play the "beep boop" sound, announce "You're on a new tab" in voiceover, then shift focus to the first element on the screen, then announce the accessibilityLabel for that element. (PHEW! That's a lot! This is jarring for screen reader users. Avoid this scenario, unless absolutely necessary).


And finally you can of course do this:

UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, nil);


UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, firstA11yElement);


Both of which will play the "beep boop" sound, shift VoiceOver focus to the first element on the screen, and then announce it.



In a comment somebody mentioned caching, and I occasionally comment in my answer about things the A11y Backend may or may not care about. While it is certainly possible that there is some backend magic happening, I don't believe in either of these circumstances, the back end cares at all. The reason I say this is because:

如果你曾经使用过 UIAccessibilityContainer 协议,你可以看作查询您的容器视图。没有缓存。每当VoiceOver将焦点更改为容器中的新AccessibilityElement时,甚至 accessibilityElementCount 属性也会被ping。然后它会检查它所在的元素,请求下一个元素,等等。它的核心是处理动态情况。如果您在交互后将新元素插入容器中,它仍然会经历所有这些查询并且对它很好!此外,如果您覆盖UIAccessibility协议的属性,为了提供动态提示和标签,您还可以看到每次调用这些函数!因此,我认为A11y Framework后端从这些通知中收集了绝对零的信息。 VoiceOver需要完成其工作的唯一信息是它目前专注于Accessibility Element,并且这个元素是Accessibility Container。通知只是为了让您的应用对VoiceOver用户更有用。

If you've ever used the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol, you can watch as your container of views gets queried. There is no caching going on. Even the accessibilityElementCount property gets pinged each time VoiceOver changes focus to a new AccessibilityElement within your container. Then it goes through the process of checking which element it is on, asking for the next element, and so on. It is designed at its core to handle dynamic situations. If you were to insert a new element into your container after interaction, it would still go through all of these queries and be just fine about it! Furthermore, if you override the properties of the UIAccessibility protocol, in order to provide dynamic hints and labels, you can also see that these functions get called every time! As such, I believe that the A11y Framework backend gleans ABSOLUTELY ZERO information from these notifications. The only information VoiceOver needs to do its job is it's currently focused Accessibility Element, and this elements Accessibility Container. The notifications are simply there for you to make your app more usable for VoiceOver users.

想象一下,如果不是这种情况,Safari会发布这些通知多少次!! ! :)

Imagine if this weren't the case how many times Safari would post these notifications!!!! :)


These particular statements can only be confirmed by someone with backend knowledge of the framework, who works with the code, and should be viewed as conjecture. It could be the case that this is highly version/implementation dependent. Definitely open to discussion on these points! The rest of this post is pretty concrete.



Most of this comes from experience working with the frameworks, but here is a useful reference if you wish to dig further.


And finally, an open source repo of the silly little app I put together to test all this stuff.


07-18 04:34