


Why isn't the knapsack problem included under the category of linear programming algorithms in spite of the fact that the Knapsack problem statement seems similar to the problems in linear programming?



Knapsack can be written as an integer linear programming program. Unlike normal linear programming, this problem requires that variables in the solution are integers. Linear programming is known to be solvable in polynomial time, while integer linear programming is NP-complete.


Exercise for the reader: show that 3SAT can be reduced to integer linear programming.

琐事:对于MAX-3SAT(3SAT的一种变体,我们希望最大程度地满足子句的数量)存在一些近似算法.首先,您将MAX-3SAT编写为整数线性程序.然后,通过消除整数限制,将其放松到线性程序.然后,您可以在多项式时间内求解线性程序.最后,给定实数x ∈[0,1],将它们四舍五入为整数,或生成随机整数解y ,其中y = 1是x .

Trivia: there are approximation algorithms for problems such as MAX-3SAT (a variant of 3SAT where we want to maximize the number of satisfied clauses). First you write MAX-3SAT as an integer linear program. Then, you relax it to linear program, by removing the integer restriction. Then, you solve the linear program in polynomial time. Finally, given real x ∈ [0,1], you round them to integers, or generate random integer solution y where probability of y = 1 is x.


07-18 04:00