似乎允许您在拉取请求上创建评论,但只有当您提供差异中的特定行号才能发表评论时。有没有办法在整个pull request上创建一个注释,相当于在GitHub的web界面的pull request屏幕的底部输入?
GitHub's comment API seems to allow you to create comments on a pull request, but only if you supply a specific line number in the diff to comment on. Is there a way to create a comment on the pull request as a whole, the equivalent of typing at the bottom of the pull request screen in GitHub's web interface?
Yes, it is possible. The section of the API docs you are referencing relates to line comments (comments on specific lines of the commits in the pull req), and the docs say:
What you need are those Issue comments, which are explained at the top of this page:
因此,要创建合并请求评论,您实际上需要创建问题评论(因为拉取请求会产生问题来管理它)。 确认了这一点:
So, in order to create a Pull Request comment, you actually need to create an Issue comment (since a pull request creates an issue to manage it). The page for Issue comments confirms this:
因此,,您会看到它包含一个名为 _links
How do you know which issue comment URL to POST to? Well, if you look at the response for getting a single pull request, you will see that it contains an attribute called _links
, and that this attribute has a nested comments
attribute. This is the URL which you should use for reading and creating pull request comments, the same one as to be used in the POST request above.