I'm developing a change tracking software to monitor files of a specific volume. I tried FileSystemWatcher (.NET) and AlternateDataStreams but they all have some limitations (ie. the change tracking software has to be on 24/7, alternate data streams to not work for ReadOnly files, etc.).
After some investigations I thought that I could directly read the NTFS change journal. This works great if the file is moved/renamed, etc. on the same volume. For identifying the file I'm using the File Reference Number.
But if the file is moved to another volume, the File Reference Number naturally changes.
My question:Is there a unique ID (GUID or something else) that doesn't change even if the file is moved to another volume?
好吧... 可以是文件GUID,但默认情况下不存在.
Well...there can be a file GUID, but it's not there by default.
如果拥有必要的权限,则可以浏览文件并分配一个GUID,该GUID将在NTFS卷移动中保留.您声明的目标正是该功能存在的原因.它使用了一个有点笨拙的API,称为 DeviceIOControl
If you have the necessary permissions, you can race through the files and assign a GUID which will be preserved across NTFS volume moves. Your stated goal is exactly why the feature exists. It uses a somewhat unwieldy API called DeviceIOControl
...which is used for a gazillion purposes...but one of it's control codes is FSCTL_CREATE_OR_GET_OBJECT_ID. Check here for details.
它仅在尚未分配GUID的情况下创建GUID ...这就是您希望其工作的方式.当然,如果文件移至非NTFS卷,则您仍然不走运.
It only creates the GUID if one hasn't already been assigned...which is just how you want it to work. Of course, if the file moves to a non-NTFS volume, you're still outta luck.