

我使用CSharp.Bitbucket库通过Bitbucket验证用户身份( ).这篇文章还指出,传递 x-oauth-basic 是可行的.

BitBucket问题 #7735 似乎声明将令牌作为用户名和 x-oauth-basic 传递也可以.

I used the CSharp.Bitbucket library to authenticate users with Bitbucket (https://github.com/scottksmith95/CSharp.Bitbucket).The authentication works fine, I get the token value and token secret values.

I have alredy written a logic - with the help of LibGit2Sharp (https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2sharp) - to clone/pull/push the content of the users repo. It works fine if the user authenticates with GitHub. In that case I have to provide the value of the access token for username and an empty string for password.

 LibGit2Sharp.Credentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials()
            Username = [GITHUB ACCESS TOKEN],
            Password =""

But what about Bitbucket? Can I use LibGit2Sharp in this way? I couldn't find any documentation about this issue. I tried to use the token value and the token secret also for username, but it fails.

I would like to use Bitbucket with Git and Mercurial too. Is there a little trick which I couldn't realize this far?

Thank you for your help!


This way of passing the token as the username with a blank password is specific to GitHub AFAIK (see this help article). The article also states that passing x-oauth-basic works.

The BitBucket issue #7735 seems to state that passing the token as the username and x-oauth-basic would also work.


07-18 01:32