


Host bitbucket.org
HostName bitbucket.org
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Host bitbucket-office.org
HostName bitbucket-off.org
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/work_rsa

Host bitbucket-personal.org
HostName bitbucket-per.org
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/personal_rsa


I don't know what's wrong with set up. I want to connect to 2 remote repos from the same local machine. Setting up a config file was the solution I found over the internet. But somehow, I am just able to use one at a time (the one created latest). When I try to pull from other repo it throws the following error:

Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.
repository access denied.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly


Both my public SSH keys are well posted in respective bitbucket accounts.


How do I make config file run as needed?


您的 HostName 设置错误.它们都应该是 bitbucket.org ,正如您通过此设置告诉您实际连接的位置.

Your HostName settings are wrong. They should all be bitbucket.org, as you tell with this setting where to actually connect to.

此外, Host 的设置应该缩进,但这可能只是此处的发布错误.如果看起来像已发布,则也应更改.据我所知,缩进非常重要且有意义.

Also there should be indentation for the settings for a Host, but this might just be a posting error here. If it looks like posted though, this should also be chnanged. As far as I remember, the indentation is important and meaningful.


07-18 01:31