I have a LabVIEW application that is flattening a cluster (array) of Doubles to a string, before transmitting over TCP/IP to my python application. It does this because TCP/IP will only transmit strings.
The problem is that python reads the string as a load of nonsense ASCII characters, and I can't seem to unscramble them back to the original array of doubles.
How do I interpret the string data that LabVIEW sends after flattening a data strings. My only hint of useful information after hours of google was a PyPI entry called pyLFDS, however it has since been taken down.
此处.该文档没有明确描述双精度浮点数(DBL类型)的表示方式,但是找到了更多搜索内容此"说明它们以 IEEE 754格式存储.
The LabVIEW flattened data format is described in some detail here. That document doesn't explicitly describe how double-precision floats (DBL type) are represented, but a little more searching found this which clarifies that they are stored in IEEE 754 format.
However it would probably be simpler and more future proof to send your data in a standard text format such as XML or JSON, both of which are supported by built-in functions in LabVIEW and standard library modules in Python.
A further reason not to use LabVIEW flattened data for exchange with other programs, if you have the choice, is that the flattened string doesn't include the type descriptor you need to convert it back into the original data type - you need to know what type the data was in order to decode it.
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