您能否给出在 Google Cloud Speech API 中使用单词提示的示例.我尝试为brook.flac 使用Rest API 执行器.我输入短语 Brooklin(而不是 Brooklyn)但结果是一样的.它们真的有效吗?
Can you give and example of using word hints in Google cloud speech API. I try to use Rest API executor for brook.flac. I input phrase Brooklin (instead of Brooklyn) but the result is the same. Does they works at all?
来自 https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/speech-adaptation
对于任何给定的识别任务,您还可以传递一个语音上下文(SpeechContext 类型),它提供信息以帮助处理给定的音频.当前,上下文可以包含用作提示"的短语列表.给识别器;这些词组可以提高识别这些词或词组的概率.
For any given recognition task, you may also pass a speechContext (of type SpeechContext) that provides information to aid in processing the given audio. Currently, a context can hold a list of phrases to act as "hints" to the recognizer; these phrases can boost the probability that such words or phrases will be recognized.
You may use these phrase hints in a few ways:
提高可能会在您的音频数据中出现过多的特定字词和短语的准确性.例如,如果用户通常会说出特定命令,您可以将这些命令作为短语提示提供.如果提供的音频包含噪声或包含的语音不是很清楚,则此类附加短语可能特别有用.在识别任务的词汇表中添加额外的单词.Cloud Speech API 包含非常大的词汇表.但是,如果专有名称或特定领域的词超出了词汇表,您可以将它们添加到提供给您的请求的 SpeechContext 的短语中.短语可以作为小词组或作为单个词提供.(有关这些短语的数量和大小的限制,请参阅内容限制.)当作为多词短语提供时,提示可以提高按顺序识别这些单词的概率,但也会在较小程度上提高识别部分单词的概率.短语,包括单个单词.
Improve the accuracy for specific words and phrases that may tend to be overrepresented in your audio data. For example, if specific commands are typically spoken by the user, you can provide these as phrase hints. Such additional phrases may be particularly useful if the supplied audio contains noise or the contained speech is not very clear.Add additional words to the vocabulary of the recognition task. The Cloud Speech API includes a very large vocabulary. However, if proper names or domain-specific words are out-of-vocabulary, you can add them to the phrases provided to your requests's speechContext.Phrases may be provided both as small groups of words or as single words. (See Content Limits for limits on the number and size of these phrases.) When provided as multi-word phrases, hints boost the probability of recognizing those words in sequence but also, to a lesser extent, boost the probability of recognizing portions of the phrase, including individual words.
例如,这个 shwazil_hoful.flac 文件包含一些虚构的词.如果在不提供这些词汇外的单词的情况下进行识别,识别器将不会返回所需的成绩单,而是返回词汇表中的单词,例如:这是一整天的燕子".
For example, this shwazil_hoful.flac file contains some made-up words. If recognition is performed without supplying these out-of-vocabulary words, the recognizer will not return the desired transcript, but instead return words that are in vocabulary, such as: "it's a swallow whole day".
"config": {
"sampleRateHertz": 16000,
但是,当识别请求提供这些词汇外的单词时,识别器将返回所需的成绩单:这是一个 shwazil hoful 日".
However, when these out-of-vocabulary words are supplied with the recognition request, the recognizer will return the desired transcript: "it's a shwazil hoful day".
"config": {
"sampleRateHertz": 16000,
"speechContexts": {
Alternatively, if certain words are typically said together in a phrase, they can be grouped together, which may further increase the confidence that they will be recognized.
"config": {
"sampleRateHertz": 16000,
"speechContexts": {
"phrases":["shwazil hoful day"]
In general, be sparing when providing speech context hints. Better recognition accuracy can be achieved by limiting phrases to only those expected to be spoken. For example, if there are multiple dialog states or device operating modes, provide only the hints that correspond to the current state, rather than always supplying hints for all possible states.
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