

我正在编写一个页面,用户可以在其中更新简档聊天板的个人资料。有一个 asp:Image 控件,它载有用户当前的头像。在同一页面上是可用的头像图像列表;每个都是标准的HTML img 标记,其中包含以下属性:

I am writing a page where users can update their profile for a simple chat board. There is an asp:Image control which is loaded with the user's current avatar. On the same page is a list of available avatar images; each is a standard HTML img tag with the following attribute:



The function itself looks like this:

function setAvatar(e) {
    var file = e.getAttribute('src');
    var img = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentHolder_UserAvatar');
    img.src = file;
    return true;

在此脚本中, file 是股票的 src 属性单击图像, img 是显示当前或新选择的头像图像的 asp:Image 控件。这一切都运行正常和花花公子:点击库存图像会更改控件上显示的图像。



In this script, file is the src attribute for the stock image being clicked, and img is the asp:Image control that displays the current or newly selected avatar image. This all works fine and dandy: clicking on a stock image changes the image displayed on the control.

My problem occurs when the user clicks the Save button and a postback occurs. Because the change is made in the browser, it is not reflected in the ViewState and so gets lost.

What I want is to let the user select an image and then update his profile with only the single postback that happens when clicking Save. Is there any way I can get there?



07-18 00:54