I'm looking for ideas and opinions here, not a "real answer", I guess...
回到旧的 VB6 时代,所有控件中都有一个名为Tag"的属性,这是一种存储与控件相关的自定义信息的有用方法.每个控件都有它,一切都很幸福......
Back in the old VB6 days, there was this property called "Tag" in all controls, that was a useful way to store custom information related to a control. Every single control had it, and all was bliss...
现在,在 .Net(至少对于 WebForms)中,它不再存在......
Now, in .Net (at least for WebForms), it's not there anymore...
Does anyone have a good replacement for that?
I find this problem very often, where I have different functions that run at different times in the lifecycle, and they do stuff with my controls, and I want to keep them as separate as they are, but one should pass information to the other about specific controls.
我能想到一百万种替代方案(显然从模块级字典开始),但没有一个像好的 ol' Tag 那样干净.
I can think of a million alternatives (starting with a module-level dictionary, obviously), but none as clean as the good ol' Tag.
(NOTE: I know I can subclass ALL the controls and use my version instead. I'd rather not)
Any suggestions?How do you solve this normally?Any ideas on why they removed this i the first place?
我正在寻找内部请求,而不是请求间.我不需要这些信息仍然存在于回传中.例如,这是在 _Load 和 _PreRender 方法之间.
I'm looking for something Intra-Request, not Inter-Request. I don't need this information to still be there on a PostBack. This is between the _Load and the _PreRender methods, for example.
我知道我的 ASp.Net,我知道桌面和网络之间的区别,伙计们!我只是想最大限度地利用 .Net 给我的抽象.我理解权衡,相信我,请假设我知道.
I DO know my ASp.Net and I do know the difference between the desktop and the web, guys!. I 'm just trying to use the abstraction that .Net gives me to the maximum. I understand the tradeoffs, believe me, and please answer assuming that I do.
不,没有直接的等效项,但是如果您使用的是框架的 v3.5,则可以使用扩展方法轻松添加此功能.例如:
No, there's no direct equivalent, but if you're using v3.5 of the Framework, you can add this functionality quite easily using an extension method. For example:
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Module Extensions
<Extension()> _
Public Sub SetTag(ByVal ctl As Control, ByVal tagValue As String)
If SessionTagDictionary.ContainsKey(TagName(ctl)) Then
SessionTagDictionary(TagName(ctl)) = tagValue
SessionTagDictionary.Add(TagName(ctl), tagValue)
End If
End Sub
<Extension()> _
Public Function GetTag(ByVal ctl As Control) As String
If SessionTagDictionary.ContainsKey(TagName(ctl)) Then
Return SessionTagDictionary(TagName(ctl))
Return String.Empty
End If
End Function
Private Function TagName(ByVal ctl As Control) As String
Return ctl.Page.ClientID & "." & ctl.ClientID
End Function
Private Function SessionTagDictionary() As Dictionary(Of String, String)
If HttpContext.Current.Session("TagDictionary") Is Nothing Then
SessionTagDictionary = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
HttpContext.Current.Session("TagDictionary") = SessionTagDictionary
SessionTagDictionary = DirectCast(HttpContext.Current.Session("TagDictionary"), _
Dictionary(Of String, String))
End If
End Function
End Module
然后,在您的 ASP.NET 页面中,首先将您的扩展引入范围,例如:
Then, in your ASP.NET pages, first bring your extensions into scope, e.g:
Imports WebApplication1.Extensions
...and then use it your controls as desired:
Label1.Text = TextBox1.GetTag
后期如果您真的,真的不想将标签存储在 Session 对象中,则可以将它们填充到您的 Viewstate 中.这当然意味着您的标签将暴露在发送给用户的页面标记中(尽管以混淆形式),不幸的是,需要一些反射,因为 ViewState 属性由于某种原因,页面被标记为受保护".
LATER and if you really, really don't want to store your tags in the Session object, it's possible to stuff them into your Viewstate instead. This will of course mean that your tags will be exposed in the page markup sent to the user (albeit in obfuscated form), and, unfortunately, that some reflection-fu is required, since the ViewState property of a Page is marked as 'protected' for some reason.
So, this code should pretty much be considered for entertainment purposes only, unless you actually like to raise eyebrows during code reviews:
<Extension()> _
Public Sub SetTag(ByVal ctl As Control, ByVal tagValue As String)
ViewState.Add(ctl.ID & "_Tag", tagValue)
End Sub
<Extension()> _
Public Function GetTag(ByVal ctl As Control) As String
Return ViewState(ctl.ID & "_Tag")
End Function
Private Function ViewState() As Web.UI.StateBag
Return HttpContext.Current.Handler.GetType.InvokeMember("ViewState", _
Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty + _
Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance + _
Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic, _
Nothing, HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler, Nothing)
End Function
最终编辑(我保证......).这是一种摆脱反射的方法:首先,创建一个新类以公开具有可用保护级别的 ViewState 属性,然后更改您的代码隐藏 (.aspx.vb) 类以继承它而不是 Web.UI.页面,例如:
FINAL EDIT (I promise...). And here's a way to get rid of the reflection: first, create a new class to expose the ViewState property with a usable protection level, then change your Code-Behind (.aspx.vb) classes to inherit that instead of Web.UI.Page, e.g.:
Public Class PageEx
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Friend ReadOnly Property ViewStateEx() As Web.UI.StateBag
Return MyBase.ViewState
End Get
End Property
End Class
Now, in your extensions module, you can access this newly defined property as:
Private Function ViewState() As Web.UI.StateBag
Return DirectCast(HttpContext.Current.Handler, PageEx).ViewStateEx
End Function
Still a bit of a hack, but much more acceptable than using reflection...
这篇关于Vb6“标签"在 ASP.Net 中等效的属性?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!