

是否有 Mac OS/X AppKit 中控件的视觉指南?

Is there a visual guide to the controls in Mac OS/X AppKit?

以出现在 XCode UI 中不同位置的以下控件为例:

Take, for instance, the following control that appears at different places in XCode UI:

我不知道那是哪个 AppKit 控件.有什么想法吗?

I don't know which AppKit control is that. Any ideas?


它看起来像是 NSMatrix 中的一系列 NSRadioButton 视图.您可以使用 Accessibility Inspector 确定前者,它会告诉您这些按钮属于辅助功能类 AXRadioButton.您可以使用 f-script 确定后者.(您需要新的 10.7 注入工作流程尚未在 2.1 中.)

It looks like a series of NSRadioButton views in an NSMatrix. You can determine the former using Accessibility Inspector, which will tell you that these buttons are of the accessibility class AXRadioButton. You can determine the latter using f-script. (You'll need the new 10.7 injection workflow that isn't in 2.1 yet.)


07-18 00:18