本文介绍了在初始化时显示Twitter Bootstrap工具提示的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I basically want to display a tooltip when someone first reaches the page, but then after they hover over it (or other tooltips on the page), it goes back to its default hover behavior. There seems to be a bug when this happens which doesn't work out well. Currently I load the tooltip using the $('div#id').tooltip('show') command, but I can't seem to figure out how to revert it back to its default hover behavior. Worse yet, if I write a hover function for the specific div to switch between "show" and "hide" it is buggy.

您可以在以下网站上查看该行为: http://rework.herokuapp.com/organizations,在工作原理"部分.

You can see the behavior on this website: http://rework.herokuapp.com/organizations, under the section 'how it works'.


<div class="row center works">

   <div class="of center"><img alt="Step 1" class="center step init" data-placement="bottom" id="step1" rel="tooltip" src="/assets/works/step1.png" data-original-title="People who are driven to find meaningful work apply to the ReWork Talent Pool."></div>

   <div class="of center"><img alt="Step 2" class="center step" data-placement="bottom" id="step2" rel="tooltip" src="/assets/works/step2.png" data-original-title="ReWork screens applicants for skills, experience, values, and accomplishments."></div>

   <div class="of center"><img alt="Step 3" class="center step" data-placement="bottom" id="step3" rel="tooltip" src="/assets/works/step3.png" data-original-title="You engage ReWork for a role you need filled, and ReWork hand-selects qualified candidates from the talent pool."></div>

   <div class="of center"><img alt="Step 4" class="center step" data-placement="bottom" id="step4" rel="tooltip" src="/assets/works/step4.png" data-original-title="You choose which candidates you want to meet, and make an offer if there’s a good fit."></div>

   <div class="of center"><img alt="Step 5" class="center step" data-placement="bottom" id="step5" rel="tooltip" src="/assets/works/step5.png" style="padding-bottom:13px" data-original-title="ReWork collects a fee when a successful hire is made."></div>




    $('.step').hover(function() {
        if ($(this).attr('id') != 'step1') {
        } else {

该错误再次出现在网站上: http://rework.herokuapp.com/organizations在工作原理"部分.

The bug is again visible on the website: http://rework.herokuapp.com/organizations under the section "how it works".



$('.works .step').tooltip().eq(0).tooltip('show').tooltip('disable').one('mouseout', function() {

演示: http://jsfiddle.net/AtvBN/9/​​ (用于页面的不同部分,但概念相同).

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/AtvBN/9/ (it's for a different part of the page, but the concept is identical).

这篇关于在初始化时显示Twitter Bootstrap工具提示的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-18 00:14