


I have a problem with ChartJS: I need to use a Polar graph for my project and I have to show this graphic in a PDF.


I also need to display the tooltips without hover. The problem is that these tooltips are at the center of each data.I want this specific one to be found outside of the graph. I modified the Chart.js a lot and now I have:


Unfortunately when the labels are long, the display is not good:


My method is not good. Has someone already managed to display tooltips outside the circle?



Currently the center of your label text is at the position where you want to show the label. If you change it to the start of your label or end of your label for labels on the right and left of your chart, you'll have much better layout.


You could also align your labels closer to the sector end point instead of the outermost edge of the scale.




So that the chart does not take up the full canvas. I've hardcoded these values for a sample dataset, you could just as easily use the input data to get suitable values

scaleOverride: true,
scaleStartValue: 0,
scaleStepWidth: 40,
scaleSteps: 10,



onAnimationComplete: function () {
    this.segments.forEach(function (segment) {

找出每个扇区的外边缘 - 这并不困难。我们只使用工具提示位置使用的相同功能

Figure out the outer edge of each sector - this is not that difficult. We just use the same function that the tooltip position uses

var outerEdge = Chart.Arc.prototype.tooltipPosition.apply({
    x: this.chart.width / 2,
    y: this.chart.height / 2,
    startAngle: segment.startAngle,
    endAngle: segment.endAngle,
    outerRadius: segment.outerRadius * 2 + 10,
    innerRadius: 0

outerRadius决定你希望标签出现在中心的距离.x 2是因为工具提示通常出现在中间+ 10是填充,因此标签不会太靠近扇区的末端

outerRadius decides how far away from the center you want your labels to appear. The x 2 is because the tooltip normally appears in the middle of the sector. The + 10 is padding so that the label does not stick too close to end of the sector

如果你想要他标记为全部出现在刻度的外边缘使用 outerRadius = self.scale.drawingArea * 2 将自己设置为Chartjs图表对象

If you want the labels to all appear on the outer edge of the scale use outerRadius = self.scale.drawingArea * 2 (with self set to the Chartjs chart object)



This is based on whether you are on the right or left side of the graph (or the top or bottom).

为此,首先将角度标准化(使其在0到2 * PI之内)

For this, first normalize the angle (so that it is within 0 to 2 * PI)

var normalizedAngle = (segment.startAngle + segment.endAngle) / 2;
while (normalizedAngle > 2 * Math.PI) {
    normalizedAngle -= (2 * Math.PI)


Then simply set the text position depending on the range of the angle (0 radians is on the right side middle and the radians increase anticlockwise).

if (normalizedAngle < (Math.PI * 0.4) || (normalizedAngle > Math.PI * 1.5))
    ctx.textAlign = "start";
else if (normalizedAngle > (Math.PI * 0.4) && (normalizedAngle < Math.PI * 0.6)) {
    outerEdge.y += 5;
    ctx.textAlign = "center";
else if (normalizedAngle > (Math.PI * 1.4) && (normalizedAngle < Math.PI * 1.6)) {
    outerEdge.y -5;
    ctx.textAlign = "center";
    ctx.textAlign = "end";

中心使得出现在图表顶部和底部附近的标签具有其文本的中间与扇区边缘对齐。 +5和-5是填充,因此它们不会太靠近。

The "center" makes labels that appear near the top and bottom of the graph have the middle of their text align to the sector edge. The +5 and -5 are padding so that they don't stick too close.

ctx.fillText(segment.label, outerEdge.x, outerEdge.y);

小提琴 -



07-17 23:55