"抱歉,主题和关键字文档不可用,因为Python找不到HTML b / b HTML文档文件。如果你已经安装了它们,请设置环境变量PYTHONDOCS以表明它们的位置。
在Microsoft Windows操作系统上,可以通过以下方式构建文件:
正在运行" hh -decompile。 PythonNN.chm"在C:\PythonNN \ Doc>目录
我正在使用Python 2.5,我认为这是最新版本。
Hey guys anytime i type in help (''print'') i get the following error;
"Sorry, topic and keyword documentation is not available because the Python
HTML documentation files could not be found. If you have installed them,
please set the environment variable PYTHONDOCS to indicate their location.
On the Microsoft Windows operating system, the files can be built by
running "hh -decompile . PythonNN.chm" in the C:\PythonNN\Doc> directory"
I''m working with Python 2.5, i presume thats the latest version.
这也是我得到的。文档位于程序 - >下的开始菜单中。 Python 2.5。
That''s what I get too. The docs are in the Start menu under Programs -> Python 2.5.
我确实看到了,但是我不能从我的python shell访问它吗?
I do see it, but shouldn''t i be able to access it from my python shell?
That depends on which shell you are using. The (generally useless) command line prompt which has poor editing capabilities and no menus will bring up help if you leave out the quotes, (print won''t work, but just about anything else will). But even the simplest IDE like IDLE has a help menu that will bring up the docs for you.