我正在尝试让工具提示显示在我的 Excel 电子表格上的 ActiveX 复选框上.
I am trying to get a tooltip to display over an ActiveX Checkbox on my excel spreadsheet.
The below code does display and hide the tooltip but not as expected. If you move the mouse over the checkbox too quickly, the tooltip (label) will remain on the sheet.
Private Sub chkPrice_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
With sht
If .lblTooltip.Visible = False Then
.lblTooltip.Visible = True
ElseIf .lblTooltip.Visible = True Then
.lblTooltip.Visible = False
End If
End With
To make the above code work, if there is something along the lines of:
If mousehovers for 1 second Then display the tooltip
Is there a way to check for amount of time the mouse remains on a control?
Is there another way to do this?
There is something pretty tricky that you could do for that, so below you can find a starting point for your specific answer.
在您的模块之上,您声明了获取鼠标坐标的 Microsoft API:
On top of your module, you declare the Microsoft API getting the mouse coordinates:
Declare PtrSafe Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
注意:如果您使用的是 32 位系统,请从声明中删除 PtrSafe
Note: if you're using a 32-bit system, remove the PtrSafe
keyword from the declaration.Also, on top of the module, you add this type:
Xcoord As Long
Ycoord As Long
End Type
因此,在您的宏 chkPrice_MouseMove
Hence, inside your macro chkPrice_MouseMove
, you do something like this:
- 当宏被触发时,获取鼠标坐标
- 请稍等,说半秒
- 因此,再次获取鼠标坐标.如果它们与以前相同,则表示用户将鼠标保持在同一点上,以便您可以触发事件.
Private Sub chkPrice_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Dim llCoordBefore As POINTAPI
Dim llCoordAfter As POINTAPI
GetCursorPos llCoordBefore '<-- get first time
Application.Wait TimeSerial(Hour(Now()), Minute(Now()), Second(Now())+0.5)
GetCursorPos llCoordAfter '<-- get second time
If llCoordBefore.Xcoord = llCoordAfter.Xcoord And llCordBefore.Ycoord = llCoordAfter.Ycoord Then '<-- compare
With sht
If .lblTooltip.Visible = False Then
.lblTooltip.Visible = True
ElseIf .lblTooltip.Visible = True Then
.lblTooltip.Visible = False
End If
End With
End If
我认为最好的办法是将 ActiveX 控件放在用户不会误将鼠标悬停的位置.
I think that your best shot is to put the ActiveX control in a place where the user doesn't hover by mistake.
Your code, on mouse hover, says that:
1) 如果工具提示不可见,则使其可见2) 如果工具提示可见,则隐藏它
1) If the tooltip is not visible, then make it visible2) If the tooltip is visible, then hide it
If the user passes quickly on the control, and the tooltip is hidden, it's expected that it will show up and don't hide. The user should pass back on the control to get it hidden again.
In any case, here are some reasons why the above method you thought about is not my recommendation:
- 应用程序将等待 X 秒.如果用户错误地悬停,他的 Excel 将等待 X 秒,然后他才能再次控制.在用户体验方面可能会很烦人.
- API 以非常敏感的方式获取坐标.您将需要实现一个近似值(在我的示例中,我仅在悬停前后坐标完全相同时才继续进行;但是,在现实生活中,您需要留出一些余量,因为鼠标可能会在第一次和第二次获取坐标).
这篇关于在 ActiveX 复选框上使用 MouseMove 创建工具提示的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!